Loving someone who does not like you?

There is boy at my school who I like… I know he is single and I cant stop thinking about him… And I know he does not like me the same way I like him… In fact, he says we will always be friends but any way on valentines day I even sang him a song and every thing but still nothing… My mom say I should wait ride out the storm because beyond these crazy mixed up teen years is some young hot guy waiting 4 me and looking for me 2… But what do I do??? I cant eat sleep or do my home work!!! What to do what to do?!?!?!?!?

Answer #1

Just wait for another to come

Answer #2

to be honest with you, you can’t force someone to love you or like you. you should just take it for what it is, its better to have a friend then to not have him at all. be greatful for the friendship, and treat it as a friendship, don’t try to lure him in being with you. treasure your friendship with him, and if its meant to be, trust me it’ll happen, and if it doesn’t, girl there is a special someone waiting for you, don’t even stress over him.
good luck :)

Answer #3

Is it possible for an x that says he doesn’t like me anymore to like me again? He didn’t tell me that he doesn’t like me, but he told a friend and his friend told me. I know it’s not suppose to matter anymore, but I still kinda like this guy.

Answer #4

You are suffering from a killer one-sided crush, also known as “unrequited love”, and there really isn’t much you can do to change it into a relationship. I’ll be blunt. You can not make somebody love you. You can’t even make them like you. There are no magic spells or secret tricks that will make a person suddenly feel for you the way you feel for them. Love doesn’t work like that (and thank the sweet stars above that it doesn’t!). Love, when it is real and returned, is one of the most amazing feelings you will ever experience. Although it is hard to accept that this person doesn’t return your feelings, it may help you to know that the pain you now feel will be erased from your heart when you find someone who does love you back.

Since he has made his feelings for you clear, namely that he wants to be friends, you really only have one choice. You have to honor his feelings and wishes. You do however have options as to exactly how you handle the “friendship situation”. You can swallow your feelings, move on and work on having “just a friendship” with this guy or, you can harbor your feelings and hope that the future will see your friendship turn romantic. Either way, the one thing you should do is actively take him up on his offer of friendship in spite of your deeper feelings.

Answer #5

speaking as a guy: guys would actually prefer the girl to make the first move. theres actually a study out about that I think. but anyway, also the point of dating is to find who you would like to marry. dont worry about rejection; ask him. it can only lead you one person forward (or one less person to get through) in your search to find “the one”. if you are lucky your first girlfriend or boyfriend (depending on your gender and sexuality) will be “the one”.

Answer #6

I agree with the above. And it sounds like you are taking it very seriously when you say you cannot eat or sleep. Just wait and relax for a better guy to come along one that is totally into you. THis puppy love is nothing. My motto is “ Never Make Someone Your Priority While You Remain Their Option.”

Answer #7

Ahhh…I remember those feelings. It stinks I know. But to tell you the truth, your mom is right. exactly right. I keep a journal and going back through to those years you guys is actually comical even though I can remember the pains I was feelings. Its embarrasing though. If anyone were to get a hold on those old journals I wrote I would just die!! they are so lame. Trust me, high school is fun, but teen love sucks. wait for your REAL MAN to come someday. he will. practice patients!! If it helps…think of yourself as this woman who no one is good enough for. you must not lower yourself for these high school boys. patients my young friends

Answer #8

Well, I have the same problem (sort of) there is this really hot senior that I would do nething to go out with and I dont think he likes me,, he does rub my arm and stuff when he sees me in the hallway at skool, but I dont think he thinks about me in that way… I know I dont have a chance… im just trying to look for someone more on my level.. I not that I harsh, but I know that if I dont I will really get hurt.. that is my advice, I know it will be hard but try to find a guy that you know will date u.

Answer #9

I fancy this boy in my year but he has a girlfriend (my friend!) f*cked up much? but, he’s not being very nice recently. so meh. but yeah, I think krobi80 is right :)

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