
I am in love with my boyfriend,but I’m very young.I am quite mature for my age,and we have gone further than any of the couples our age.I think I might want to go all the way with him,but he doesn’t feel ready.I’ve had to take many times solo now because he turns me on frequently.what should I do?

Answer #1

At 13 are you really sure you are in “love”. Love is a very strong word.

“I think I might want to go all the way”- this shows you are NOT ready. If you were ready you would say you wanted to, not that you think you are.

Another reason not to is he isn’t ready so why push him. He is only 13 for christ sake he probably doesn’t even have a fully functioning penis yet. Does he even have the ability to ejaculate? If not then he is definitely not ready.

It is normal to get turned on but it is not a good idea to be having ex at 13. Wait a few years, you need to make sure you are loosing it to the right person at the right time.

Answer #2

You are THIRTEEN. im fifteen and I can keep it in my pants.

I would give you further advice but all I have to say is dont give yourself a bad name. having sex at that young of an age no matter how mature you are makes you out to be a skank.

Answer #3

By going solo you mean masturbation ? If you, just continue to do so. You might even show your boyfriend how you do that, or instruct him on what makes you feel good using his fingers. No need to rush having intercourse when there is so much more to explore.

Answer #4

Kids who have sex at a young age, will have MORE sexual partners than someone who waits until much later! You may THINK you are in love (we all have at that age, but trust me, when you are much older, you will realize it wasnt love after all) You may THINK you are ready for sex, but at your age you are ONLY thinking with your crotch, not your brain! Hormones can feel like love, and thats why so many young kids act on those feelings by giving into sex. You are NOT as mature as you think you are. Maturity is about lifes experiences, and you havent been on this earth long enough to really experience anything yet! Your body isnt physically,emotionally, or psychologically ready to handle the consequences that come from having sex! Your life isn’t going to end at 13 so whats the hurry? Sounds like you want to be the first to go “all the way”, so you have something to brag about, but trust me, you may think its something “cool” to do, but there are VERY serious consequences. STDs, and pregnancy in case you havent thought beyond those raging hormones. You are TOO young to be making an adult decision, and I guarantee that you WILL regret it when you and your boyfriend are no longer together. Sex changes a relationship, and for young teens, its NEVER for the better.

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