Love or Lose?

I’ve liked this guy for a long time now and he finally became single. He’s not too sure if he is or not because it wasn’t his “girl” who broke up with him, but he’s “pretty sure” as he states. He likes me back and he wants to ask me out but I won’t let him because we hardly see each other. I’ll only say yes when we finally get to see each other again in high school. But there are times where I feel like his backup and even though I try to forget him, it’s hard to. I don’t know what to do. =[

Answer #1

I would say to make sure him and his girlfriend are broken up…take things slow! there’s no need to rush anything..hang out with him for a little while before you jump into a relationship…you’re young..have fun! things will work out the way they are meant to :)

Answer #2

Thanks. That really brightened up my day! And I’ll take that into consideration.

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