love is so complecated!

I like this guy I meen I love him and he tuches my legs and flirst with me and dont know what to do I meen all my friends say that he likes me and I think he dose but not quit sure I meen yah and he gives me a special look that he dos’nt give anmy one else and is going out with a girl just to make me greeneyed and its working and he dont like her he even told my friend that what should I do please help help????????????????????????

Answer #1

Well if you think that he loves you then it’s best for you to talk with with him directly….have a private conversation with him and you’ll get to know his feelings better….well you can also check out sometime….you’ll find some more suggestions as well….

Answer #2

if you think hes worth the risk then go for it but if your heart tells you not to trust him then dont! Get to kow him a little and test him if you think he will cheat on him and it only has to be your secret!!

3 April!

Answer #3

when a guy is into a girl, he is calling her and wanting to see her and does everything he can to be with her, he doesnt go out with someone else!!! so back off from him a bit until he leaves his current gf.

Answer #4

well go with your heart i mean dont always ask others what to do they dont control control you so if you like him dont give up! add me bye the way

Answer #5

just go for that guy that you like dumby.

Answer #6

go wit ur heart<333

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