love is pain

I really care about my boyfriend and I highly believe he cares as well. hes going through some trouble and I try to be there for him and help him in anyway I can. all I really want is to see him more often. I work overnight so thats an issue but I have 3 days off in a row. sometimes its to the point where hes so busy I rarely see him. but now its to the point I barely even talk to him. it boiled over recently when he basically stood me up and ddidnt even call. so I cursed him out which led to a little spat. but we cleared things up. that was over a week ago. I havent heard from him in a week now and his phone is turned off. I dont know if I should worry or be angry or what. im tired of worrying about him and the problems hes going through. I cant be more detailed here because well this is the freaking internet. I dont think hes cheating its not that he just makes stupid decisions and I wish I could just pull him away from all the drama. he says hes happy around me but he has “stuff to take care of” and he wants me to be patient while he gets his life together but this is crazy. im stressing myself out about it and I just want it to be better. I really care about him but I dont know how long I can be patient

Answer #1

You’re going to have to just tell him this (When you can get hold of him!) Tell him you love him and do want to be with him but his problems are making your relationship turn bad. He’s making you worry and stress out because of the things HE’S doing, which is wrong. Tell him what you are going through and how you are losing your patience with him.

If he really cares about you and your relationship, he will change he’s actions to save it.

Answer #2

oh and we have been together 3 months known each other since september of last year. just throwing that out there

Answer #3

Beig patient is all you really an do. We men can be very frustrating at times but if we have a problem, chances are we’ll want to solve it on our own. He just wants to be able to give 100% to you and your relationship and wants to sort things out so he can do that. Hope it helps and good luck


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