Love going on

Hi everybody I like this girl and am thinking to ask her out but I don’t know if she has some feeling for me would I ask her out Please help???

Answer #1

Aaaww that’s so sweet, well any way I just asked this guy out too but I text msg him and I don’t know if he even has feeling for me or anything. But I would just say give it a shot. Ask her out. But first be like… Hey_!! What are you doing Friday or Saturday? (any day of your choice) If she says nothing than that’s the part you say…

You wanna go to the movies and I’ll take you out to the most finest restaurant in town?

Flirt with and stuff, tell her that you have feelings for her and that you would like to be her boyfriend. (if your shy, she might like it and think it’s sexy) But just watch out because she might say the big “N-O-“!! But if she does, then it’s ok you can just stay friends…

Hope it helps!! -Kristyn

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