Love and Aqe diffrences

What does love fell like? I know that if I wus in luv I would fell it but Im just curious. Please no fancy answers. Just tell meh how you fell when your truely in luv. and chan you tell meh if luv relates to aqe. Also what do you think is tha limint in aqe? Like how many years sumone kan be older.

Answer #1

but love can effect people in different ways and different feelings because there are many different type of love eg…personalaty…sex…etc

Answer #2

Well I Love Someone Who’s 2 Years Younger, It’s Really Hard To Tell If Your Axtually In Love Or If It’s Just A Phase. But I Think I Am :) Well I Can Be Really Upset Nothings Cheering Me Up Then I See Him & I Smile Asap, I Listen To Love Music That Relates To Me & Him, I Talk To Him Whenever I Get A Chance, I Smile When I Think Of Himm. :) Age Doesn’t Matter Just As Long As Their Not Peverted.

Answer #3

Age doesn’t matter.

When you love you feel like you want nobody else in the world but that one person and they are the one person you can’t live your life without.

Answer #4

well no one can actuall say what love feels like because its different fo every body …and the age does not matter but it also make us safe from difficulties of other things that some people are not ready for

Answer #5

Yes I understand that. But can you tell meh how YOU fell?

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