love and angst

ok so I’m pretty sure I’m in love with this girl who I’m best friends with (how cliche). I mean, its the whole 9 yards, can’t keep my mind off her and feel nervous around her, ect. so yeah near the and of 7th grsade we became friends and she just thought I was awesome (but not in the way I wanted her 2, why know) so yeah she’d like compliment me all the tim and thought I was so cool and I just ate it up but now I’m like overflowin wit love 4 this girl and she’s bn growin further from me. I don’t know what im doin wrong. I mean yeah we’re still friends and all that but she seems a lil sick of me

k so 1 how do I tell her I love her 2 if she rejects/is creeped out what do I do 3 how do I tell whats wrong

k thnx you guys

Answer #1

1..Be Open With Her And Express Your Feelings 2..If She Rejects Then Dont Feel Bad Atleast You Tried..Im SureShe Wont Creep out 3…You Cant Tell Whats Rong

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