
I am 13 and in love with a 16 year old. He likes me back but my parents would never allow it. What should I do?

Answer #1

Hey its your life you can do what you want just be carful about it ok?

Answer #2

go out with him, just dont let your [parents know, plus dont do anything that you dont want to do]!

Answer #3

go for it!!! who cares what yer parents think or say there just trying to ruin yer happiness. I say go for it if yu two love/like eachother :) lemme know how it goes

Answer #4

why dont you try thinking about why your parents wouldnt allow it?

sweetie, its great that you like this guy, but 13 and 16 mean two very different thought patterns for those ages.

be the guys friend and if in a year or so you still like him, try dating him…ok? look, your parents love you, believe it or not, and only want you to grow up maturely and well grounded. do yourself a favor and wait on it a bit…I know I have the least popular advice here, but trust me when I say its better then sneaking around behind your parents backs…

show them you are a mature young lady and maybe they’re reconsider the dating issue.

Answer #5

^^The least popular advice is the MOST sound advice^^ Shes right. Trust an adults perspective instead of kids around your age. They do know better, and we know what goes through a teen boys head.

To the 3 young teens who said to just “go for it”, and “its your life you can do what you want”. No you cant. Your parents are responsible for you until you reach the age of 18. Teens do need to have some areas of their lives where they are taking responsibility for themselves. A 13 dating a 16 yr old is cause for concern. 16 yr old males have usually one thing on their minds. Something a 13 yr old is not emotionally ready for. Its best to stick to group activities at your age anyway.

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