Do I have a chance?

so… i know this sounds pathetic. for about 6 months before me and my ex started dating, he was crazy for me… he would have done anything to be with me… well we eventually started dating and it was awesome, we became best friends and we both started saying i love you. and really… i meant it and so did he. so the first 5 months were great and then the last month we were together… he started changing a tiny bit and i noticed little things… and after a month of me being emotional… because i felt like something just wasn’t right… he finally said hes had mixed feelings. He said that he knows he likes me a lot, but he doesnt know if he loves me… he thinks that our love needs to grow at the same pace… i dont know about you, but i think if he cared for me enough we could work things out. He also said that maybe hes not ready for this kind of commitment… well i told him that im gunna cut it off and not talk to him so we can both figure things out. well… its been a week and nothings figured out. does anyone think i have a chance or should i find someone who will truly love me… thanks!

Answer #1

if you give it a day and 20 hours. girl, he will probably want you back. cause you know wen u be putting down in the… woah, woah, back on topic.. anyway. :] you really should try to talk things out with him, and get closure, im not saying yya’ll have to date, but being friends is good enough. :]

merry xmas. good luck.

Answer #2

If he really feels for you he will be back. A man need space and that is someting you cant tke away from them or you will ruin it. Give him time to miss you -Thats if he really cares for you. Women tend to respond on emotions and that can lead to trouble. You have to remember that men think and handle things differently. If he doesnt contact you , then it wasnt ment to be. Please be patient and carry on life as usual, sont act on your emotion or you will end up by yourself.

good luck fran 40

Answer #3

Wait for someone else. I think he just said that because he didn’t want to hurt you. Sometimes people will say they need time to think about things when they really don’t, if it was meant to be, things would have been worked out. I think he just doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you right now. Don’t search for love, it will find you.

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