
Why is it that when kids say they’re in love with someone, adults think they’re stupid or it isn’t real? Like when kids say that they’re in love with EVERY significant other they have. But when an adult does the same thing it’s okay. Why is this?

Answer #1

maybe because when the adults were kids they were taught to be a little conservative of who they chose to love and think its silly for one to love so many. or in your case they just dont realize they are doing the same thing. sorry if that didnt help any ~british_kid_todo93

Answer #2

It’s a mixture between faults, IMO. Adults can underestimate us, We can overestimate ourselves, and then again, what is /love/? A strong, productive feeling you have for someone. If you have it, you can tell. There it is. No arguements about it.

Answer #3

because your a teenager and you don’t really know what your thinking your very confused and emotional…it happens I mean I’m a teenager too but I know its true… The adults are usually right whether you’d like to admit it or not

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