How do you know when it's love?

how do you no when your absolutly inlove not because you think you are because im pretty sure im in love and I;ve never been happier with this person he always makes me smile btu hes also 16 years older then me so please help me out im so lost on how to tell if its a for sure love …so please anything any advice will help

Answer #1

Love doesn’t always make sense, but the bottom line on this situation is simple: it is weird. There are nearly two decades of life dividing the two of you, “What on earth can you guys possibly have in common??” Most normal well-adjusted 30+ year old men (and more than a few men in their late 20’s) would run to the nearest psychologist if they ever seriously thought about having that kind of a relationship with a 15 year old child. I know teens hate being called children but really, you’re not an adult by any legal or socially accepted definition of the word so get over the child label and just accept that this 30 year old who treats you like gold probably has some really unsettling demons lurking in his closet and that those demons are just waiting to jump out and scare you back into a reality where teens date teens, or at least young adults, and 30 year old men don’t stake out local high schools for dates.

It isn’t the feelings between you that define this relationship; it is the underlying motivations for his (and your) pursuing it that really count. Why can’t he relate to women his age, or even women only 10 years younger? You may often find yourself stating that you’re just really mature for your age, and that may even be true, but this guy is also really immature for his age and that just can’t be good. It all boils down to life experience. Hes been where you are 15 years ago…your life is just starting. Questionable motivation on the older man’s part combined with a lack of shared life experiences on your part, are the biggest reasons this type of relationship should never happen. Best bet, dump the older man and open your heart to love with somebody whose life experience better matches your own.

Answer #2

well me and him have been toether for like 4 months but we’ve known each other for ten and I;ve alwasy been around bc I moved and I met him the first day so

Answer #3

just because he’s that much older than you doesn’t mean you can’t be in love with him…you have to build up love though it depends how long you guys have been together and what happens between you two, I don’t think someone can tell you if your in love or not, its hard to tell what love is but from your experiences you’ll know when you have it

Answer #4

I’ve only been in love once, but I knew it was love because I was willing to do anything for my boyfriend. I mean, I was willing to put his happiness before mine. (and thankgoodness he was willing to do the same for me).

that’s when I know it’s love. I’ll rearrange my whole day just so that we can meet for lunch, or so that I can help him for 20 minutes with whatever problem he’s having at the moment. it’s caring more about someone else than yourself.

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