10 questions about belly button piercings

I have a lot of questions about belly button piercings

  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)?
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter?
  3. how much does it usually cost?
  4. is there an age limit?
  5. how fast is it over with?
  6. could it make me sick?
  7. should I look @ the needle?
  8. can it get infected easily?
  9. can I go swimming after?
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it?
Answer #1
  1. My pain was about a 4, but it went away very quickly
  2. I don’t think it matters
  3. Mine was $65, and the cleaner was $10
  4. It depends on where you go; I was 13
  5. Mine took about 2 min. in all, to pick out the jewalry & stuff, teh piercing took about 30 secs.
  6. It didn’t make me sick @ all, but I’ve heard some people do
  7. I don’t know, teh lady that did mine hid teh needle from me (also I was closing my eyes)
  8. If you don’t clean it
  9. I had to wait 3 weeks
  10. Mine was 4-6 months
Answer #2
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? About a 2..doesn’t hurt…the only bit you can feel is where the bar goes in.
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? I don’t think it matters.
  3. how much does it usually cost? Mine cost around £25.00.
  4. is there an age limit? any age under 16 with parental permission or 16+ without.
  5. how fast is it over with? About 5 mins. They have to serilize your belly and the bar first.
  6. could it make me sick? Nahh…unless your very very scared of needles.
  7. should I look @ the needle? if you don’t look it will be over with quicker.
  8. can it get infected easily? If you don’t clean it regularly I suppose it can yes.
  9. can I go swimming after? I personally would leave it a while.
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? I got advised…about 3 months.
Answer #3

if you do go swimming the chorine will clean it not make it get infected x

Answer #4
  1. It didnt hurt me so about a 2
  2. I dunn think it matters.
  3. depends where you go.
  4. ermm 13 I think with a parent obv.
  5. quite fast.
  6. naaa
  7. if they lie you down you wont be able to see it anyway.
  8. kiinda mines been infected twice but it depends how you care for it and all.
  9. probably
  10. about 6 weeks
Answer #5

Hey . I’m getting my belly button pierced in around two weeks and I just want a little more information on it :S Well I’m not really good with pain but I can definatley handle it to about a five maybe six . 1.Im just wondering if I should get them to numb it first ? 2.The needle is so big how does it not hurt ?

  1. How bad is the pain after ? 4.Does the clamp hurt a lot ? Im not scared I just need to know .

Thanks .

Answer #6

Im 10 and do you think I could get mine done and im very tall ? x

Answer #7
  1. if you have it froze the pain is about 2 out of 10 2.it doesnt matter 3.around £30 4.I think the limit if 13 5.it takes about 1-2 minuites 6.No I dont think so 7.I lookd at the needle it didnt put me of 8.yes it can 9.no you need it to settle ( I think ) 10.out 5 weeks
Answer #8

it don’t hurt I got it dne when I was 14

Answer #9
  1. 3ish. Its not that bad at all actually
  2. I’m guessing it doesnt :S
  3. mine cost 50
  4. usually 16
  5. a second
  6. I don’t think so. unless you’re terrified of needles
  7. lol I’d say no. but it depends
  8. YES. It is the hardest piercing to heal. You have to make sure you clean it multiple times a day.
  9. no!
  10. my piercer said 3 or 4 months. It takes about 6 months to a year to fully heal. If it does. A ton of people I know had theirs reject. mine, thankfully, has not rejected and its been about a year and a month.
Answer #10
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? I’d say a 5.
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? Im not sure.
  3. how much does it usually cost? mine was $100.00
  4. is there an age limit? I got mine at 12.
  5. how fast is it over with? its really quick, the piercer just says to take a deep breath in and by the time you exhale its all done.
  6. could it make me sick? I got a little light head after I got it pierced.
  7. should I look @ the needle? I did, it’s big.
  8. can it get infected easily? Yeah, mine got infected twice. make sure to wash it 3 times a day atleast.
  9. can I go swimming after? wait a week or so, the chlorine/salt water is good for it.
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? just depends if it gets infected, how well you treat it, and so on. not very long though, just ask the piercer.
Answer #11
  1. The pain For me Was Bout 1/2 It actually Sorta Tickleedd lol
  2. I dont Think it Matters But Being Big Or watev. Will probably Give the piercer a harder time to actually perfect the perfvect placing of the ring.
  3. Uhm it costed me $65 But im And Expensive chick plus its better to check out a lot of places where they do peircings and go for the most expensive one because they will most likely be the most secure ones and your less likely to get and infection.
  4. Age Limit? Im not So sure. But if your under the age of 16 you Need to go with A Parent And they will Have you Sign a paper and they need yuhr Parent or gaurdian to show proof!
  5. Ehh 4 Secs LOL its Very Fast like youll be nervous at first when you see the needle but trust its quick.

look at Mine :]

Answer #12
  1. The pain For me Was Bout 1/2 It actually Sorta Tickleedd lol
  2. I dont Think it Matters But Being Big Or watev. Will probably Give the piercer a harder time to actually perfect the perfvect placing of the ring.
  3. Uhm it costed me $65 But im And Expensive chick plus its better to check out a lot of places where they do peircings and go for the most expensive one because they will most likely be the most secure ones and your less likely to get and infection.
  4. Age Limit? Im not So sure. But if your under the age of 16 you Need to go with A Parent And they will Have you Sign a paper and they need yuhr Parent or gaurdian to show proof!
  5. Ehh 4 Secs LOL its Very Fast like youll be nervous at first when you see the needle but trust its quick.
Answer #13
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? I THINK IT HURTS LESS IF your BIGGER
  3. how much does it usually cost? MINE WAS £30
  5. how fast is it over with? 4 SECONDS
  6. could it make me sick? NOPE :)
  7. should I look @ the needle? MY ADVICE DONT LOOOK
  9. can I go swimming after? 6 WEEKS
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? 5-8 WEEKS DEPENDS , I’ve ONLY HAD MINE DONE 5 DAYS
Answer #14

I got my belly button pierced yesterday and im 14

  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? about 2
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? I dont know but im skinny if that helps
  3. how much does it usually cost? mine cost 32 pounds including the after care and that was for the most expensive bell bar
  4. is there an age limit? if your under 16 you have to have an adult with you
  5. how fast is it over with? your in the room for about 15 mins but the actual piercing about 2 mins
  6. could it make me sick? if your scared of needles maybe but I really doubt it
  7. should I look @ the needle? you cant see them doing it because your lying down
  8. can it get infected easily? yeh but just clean it properly
  9. can I go swimming after? umm well yeh if you use a waterproof plaster on it
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? about 12 weeks
Answer #15

I have a lot of questions about belly button piercings

  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)?

for me ? I felt the needle go through, but I have low pain tolerance, so maybe that’s why because all of my friends said it was nothing for them.

  1. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter?

doesn’t matter.

  1. how much does it usually cost?

mine cost (I had it done two years ago) I think $70 (CDN) ?

  1. is there an age limit?

sixteen without parent’s consent.

  1. how fast is it over with?

it depends on the piercer. mine was quick. like a minute

  1. could it make me sick?

depends on your pain tolerance, and how you are with needles and piercings.

  1. should I look @ the needle?

I think it would be kinda hard too..

  1. can it get infected easily?

yeah. anything from fabric softeners, to the type of material shirts/dresses you wear can irritate it.

  1. can I go swimming after?

I would recommend you to not go swimming in pools (the chlorine will dry it out), hot tubs, lakes, beaches, ponds, rivers, oceans.. (bacteria can cause infection). I didn’t go swimming until three months after when I was allowed to change it.

  1. how long do I have to wait until I can change it?

I had to wait three months. every piercer has a different time-arrangement, so yeah.

Answer #16

These are my experiences, but everyone’s is different.

  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)?

Answer: I thought it was around a two, seriously I thought the most painful part was when he cleaned me belly button out with the q-tip before he pierced it.

  1. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter?

Answer: I don’t think it really matters.

  1. how much does it usually cost?

Answer: mine cost me 70, that was including taxes and I got three pieces of jewelry. one to put in at the shop, and two to change it with once it was healed.

  1. is there an age limit?

Answer: usually have to be around 16 years of age, some shops won’t do it unless your 18.

  1. how fast is it over with?

Answer: It was fast, while I was waiting for him to fix the clamp, my best friend who was there with me looked at me and said “It’s done” and I didn’t believe her at first aha. What I thought was the clamp being fixed was actually the needle going through my skin.

  1. could it make me sick?

Answer: all depends on how you handle pain and how much you have yourself worked up, after you get it done just sit up straight for a few minutes before getting up and walking just in case.

  1. should I look @ the needle?

Answer: no. trying to look at the needle with make you tense up which is not a good thing. some piercers won’t even let you look at it with a mirror until it’s finished.

  1. can it get infected easily?

Answer: if you don’t wash it properly. Salt water washes and stuff are not necessary, ask a doctor, just wash with your regular soap, don’t change soaps just to clean it (or start using a new anti-bacterial soap), finding out you have an allergy to a new soap while cleaning out the wound wouldn’t be fun.

  1. can I go swimming after?

Answer: It is recommended that you wait a few months before hand, diseases are easily transmitted through water especially if you have a wound, common sense would tell you that. Try to get the piercing in the winter time, that way it will be all healed up by the time summer rolls around.

  1. how long do I have to wait until I can change it?

Answer: This all depends on your healing rate, anywhere between 5 to 6 months should be good. That is about the time it takes for the new skin to grow through. Trying to change it any earlier could damage the new skin’s process actually making the healing time longer.

Answer #17

Me and my best friend are getting it done.. I’m soo excited, yet soo nervous! Would you reccomend us doin anything that will make us get more scyched? Haha! I’ve got my cartlidge pierced and I didn’t think that hurt. I got that done when I was 11, now I’m thirteen.

Answer #18
  1. I had mine done 4 times. and it didnt hurt at all 4 me. 2.doesnt matter…allthough if your heavyier or fat id guess it’d have to go threw more skin. 3.mine cost 20.00 4.age 18 without consent otherwise its 16 with consent where I live…call and ask.lol 5.it’s very fast less then a minite. 6.u could get sick if your nervious and havent ate. 7.id advise you not 2. unless your use to watching needles go threw your skin. (I am) lol 8.yes. mine got infected a lot. dont ever use perxide or alcohol…use dial hand soap and H2Ocean(purified ocean salt water) sold at hot topics for 15.00 9.wait atleast a month. 10.I only waited bout 3 weeks this last time to change mine and I regret it cause I didnt quite thread it just rite and I ended up with an abcess. and its a pain so you could change the balls but leave the barbell in for atleast 4-6 months.
Answer #19
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? **Pain is about a 6 but it lasts for about 3 seconds then you feel nothing.

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? ** It shouldn’t make any difference.

  3. how much does it usually cost? ** I got mine done for $60 but my belly ring was really nice.

  4. is there an age limit? ** I dont think so. The woman that did mine didnt ask me if I had permission.

  5. how fast is it over with? ** A minute tops. It’s a quick process =)

  6. could it make me sick? ** If it gets infected. Keep it clean and thats unlikley to happen.

  7. should I look @ the needle? ** I wounldn’t if I were you…

  8. can it get infected easily? ** Yes it can. Make sure you clean it everyday as much as possible.

  9. can I go swimming after? ** Not right after, you should wait until your belly is fully healed.

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? ** At least 3 months

Answer #20
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? maybe a 2

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? im not sure. but I think its about the same

  3. how much does it usually cost? places around me are all $40. but I have heard of $50 & $60 in other places

  4. is there an age limit? I think most places will do you as long a parent signs for it (if your under18) some places do have theire own rules about stuff like that though.

  5. how fast is it over with? I did mine at home, but it didnt take real long. and it dpesnt professionally either (I’ve seen it done) bout 10-15 mins I guess.

  6. could it make me sick? like throw up(I suppose it could,if you got all worked up about it)

  7. should I look @ the needle? thats really up to you. some people can take it,they just cant look at it. and others do look (like me). it just depends on you.

  8. can it get infected easily? it can,but its also easy to avoid. keep it clean,and only touch it when you wash your hands.

  9. can I go swimming after? not til it heals (3months)

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? like 3months. 4depending on how its healing.

Answer #21
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? About a 1 if that. I didn’t really feel it at all.
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? I went with a thin friend and I’m bigger. I think it hurt her worse. But I can’t say that it was because she was thinner.
  3. how much does it usually cost? Mine was 50 with the ring.
  4. is there an age limit? I think this one has been well answered.
  5. how fast is it over with? It was amazingly fast. A matter of seconds. When he was done I said “that’s it???”
  6. could it make me sick? I guess if you get yourself worked up.
  7. should I look @ the needle? I say no. But I don’t see how you could without tensing your ab muscles, which wouldn’t be a good idea. You are lying flat on your back, so just relax.
  8. can it get infected easily? I’ve heard it can. Mine is only a week old and it just started getting a bit sore and a tiny bit red yesterday. I am being really careful to avoid infection.
  9. can I go swimming after? I wouldn’t recommend it.
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? My piercer said 6 weeks. But he told me to come back and let him do it.
Answer #22

1.I just got mine done today,and I say it was about ar 3,hurt only for a second. 2.I dont think it really matters. 3.Mine was about $55 for the Gem ring that I got. 4.No,your parents just have to sign if your under 18. 5.Mine took about 10 seconds litterally! 6.If you get yourself pretty worked up and you need to eat something about in the 3 hours before you get it. 7.I didnt cause Im terrified of them,but since your lying on your back you should just relax cause it’ll be over before you know it. 8.Yes it can,you should clean it regularly for instance before and after school. 9.Not in chlorine or dirty water,salt water pools are the best cause they actually help it and dont have any bacteria. 10.My piercer said about 8 weeks,but Im gonna have her change it help me pick out a ring.

Hope I helped!:-)

Answer #23

hey, I’m 15 and I got my bellybutton pierced in december, on my birthday. I don’t think it really hurt at all and most of the people I know said that it doesn’t hurt. Except for the people who did it theirselves, they said it hurt. It took me about 5 minutes, and my friend 2 minutes because my skin is soo thick, & I’m skinny. but my other friend is kinda big, and she got hers done, and she said it didn’t hurt her at all. you just have to keep it really clean! they are so easy to get infected, but I don’t find it hurts that bad… I’ve kind of become use to it! hahhaa.

Answer #24
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? its like a 2
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? doesnt matter
  3. how much does it usually cost? mine cost 30
  4. is there an age limit? 18 or younger with a parent signature
  5. how fast is it over with? bout 5 minutes
  6. could it make me sick? it made me sick everytime I changed it.. it varies person
  7. should I look @ the needle? I wouldnt
  8. can it get infected easily? oh yes mine did and now I took it out
  9. can I go swimming after? no not till its healed
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? 6 weeks
Answer #25

it dosnt hurt if its your first belly ring. if you get it pierced again, it will hurt more b/c of extra scar tissue and nerves. it dosnt hurt at all, but to help the pain…do not look at the needle because it could scare you. they tell you not to go swimming after, but it can actually clean the belly ring.

Answer #26
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? 0 - I got mine pierced for my 15th birthday. it was completely painless. It felt like a little pinch. and it was over. no pain what so ever. But, It can vary with other people, but I would definately say the pain would be no more than a 3.

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? it’s hurt more the skinnier you are, because there isn’t enough skin there to actually grasp, so you have to go deeper, and the further past the epidermis you get, the worse the pain. But. It shouldn’t unless you are SUPER SUPER SUPER skinny like a pole.

  3. how much does it usually cost? body piercings are usually around 40 bucks.

  4. is there an age limit? at most body piercing/tattoo shops you have to be 18 without a parent’s consent. or have under 18 if you have parent/gaurdian present.

  5. how fast is it over with? it seriously takes all of about 5 seconds.

  6. could it make me sick? no.

  7. should I look @ the needle? I watched the whole thing. it depends on whether or not you like that type of thing. if you are super nervous about it, I wouldn’t look.

  8. can it get infected easily? depends on how well you take care of it. DONT USE ALCOHOL! I repeat! DONT USE ALCOHOL! It will dry it up really quick! And you won’t be able to change the ring for a LONG time, and it can cause an infection too.

  9. can I go swimming after? not at least for two months, that’s how long it takes to heal enough to change and be normal. after 6 months its completely healed.

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? I waited two months, and when I got the other ring through it oozed out blood. I would recoment at least 2-3 months.

Answer #27
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? Like a 1-2

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? I don’t think so, I’m average probably on the bigger side and it didn’t really hurt

  3. how much does it usually cost? Mine cost about $65(CND) jewelery included

  4. is there an age limit? 16 years of age most places

  5. how fast is…it over with? Mine took like 2 seconds literally.

  6. could it make me sick? They make you eat something or drink something with sugar in it so you don’t get sick or pas out

  7. should I look @ the needle? I wanted to but it was practically impossible, you lay down and its really hard to look. Just make sure they take it out of a package.

  8. can it get infected easily? Mine never but it pusses clear/whitish for like 1-2 months afterwards. Just make sure its not green and clean it 3-4 times a day with the stuff they give you (no peroxide or rubbing alcohol)

  9. can I go swimming after? Ask your piercer its like a month or something

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? I got mine done two months ago and I’m still waiting for it to heal completely with the same jewelery it was pierced with. Usually 3 months or when it’s healed completely.

Good luck :)

Answer #28
  1. I have my belly button pierced and I was so scared when I first got it. I was literally holding my moms hand with my eyes closed and all. truthfully I didnt feel anything at all. I didnt notice when the guys stuck the needle in. grab your belly buttin and pinch it hard, you’ll notice that it doesnt hurt.

  2. Doesnt matter.

  3. if you get it done at the mall it costs like 50$ or more. when I got it done it only cost 25$ and it was at a tatoo and piercing shop.

4.unfortunatly, yes. you have to be 16 or older to get it done without a parent

  1. under a minute

  2. never

  3. your not gunna be able to look at the needle because your going to be laying down on your back and most likely looking at the ceiling.

  4. yes, if you dont take care of it it definitly will

  5. of course, it might sting if its at the beach because of the salt.

  6. 6months for completly healed

Answer #29
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? it only hurts for a few seconds. so only about maybe a 3-4. if you can take getting a shot or blood taken your fine.
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? dosnt really matter it will only affect what type you get the ring or bell (i think there called that)
  3. how much does it usually cost? I got mine dont at image and it only coast 45$
  4. is there an age limit? no. if under 18 need your parent there though.
  5. how fast is it over with? the pain a few seconds. and it only takes maybe 5 mins to get everything done.
  6. could it make me sick? sick.. depends how you mean it. my friend watched me get mine and she had to sit down because sh was dizzy and feeling like she was about to throw up but they can take care of that. depends if you can take a needle or not.
  7. should i look @ the needle? no. I would not if i where you. inless you really like to watch all that happen. no. talk to a parent or hold there hand it helps to relaze you.
  8. can it get infected easily? sort of. just clean it daily and if you go swimmingect clean it when done. helps keep them away.
  9. can i go swimming after? probaly about a mouth after. but clean it after
  10. how long do i have to wait until I can change it? 2-8 mouths is the normal waiting time. depends how long your body takes to heal.
Answer #30
  1. Around a 6-7 when its being done.
  2. I dont think it matters
  3. it depends, like $35 - $70
  4. 16
  5. again it depends where you go, around 15- 35 mins
  6. Possibly, you can feel real faint afterwards but it depends
  7. Defently not, close your eyes or look away
  8. It can, But you just have to be careful and take lots of care
  9. Your not meant to for atleast a week or two but I went the day after and nothing happend so just as long as you clean it afterwards
  10. usually about 5-8 weeks, the person who peirces it should tell you.

If you really want then you should go for it, it may hurt at the start but afterwards you can hardly tell that you have it peirced. just be careful and follow the rules and care instructions.

Answer #31
  1. it was about a five or six but not until it went it
  2. I honestly dont think it matters I did it myself , but make sure to do it shallow
  3. did it myself
  4. no all you have to do is have your parents sign
  5. a couple of min
  6. if they do it to deep
  7. NOOO!!
  8. yes , dis infect it EVER day
  9. yessppp , but just relax if you tense up it will hurt.
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it?
Answer #32
  1. I must not be as strong as these people, but I would say a 7 at least
  2. it actually probably hurts more if you’re skinnier
  3. mine was $30 w/my own jewelry, but it really ranges
  4. 18
  5. eh, about 10-15 minutes
  6. yes
  7. nooo
  8. yes, use salt water daily for a month after
  9. no, no swimming until it is healed (at least 2 months)
  10. one month; any sooner, let the piercer help you change it

I have mine done, and I love it. It’s been over a month so far, but I still do not feel it’s ready to be changed. Some days it hurts a little, but never as bad as the day I got it. My lip piercing hurt 10X worse. Just remember, everyone handles pain differently. If someone says a piercing didn’t hurt, they are lying. It might not have affected them much, but it had to of hurt them.


Answer #33
  1. it didnt hurt me at all. im saying about a 2 at the most.
  2. doesnt really matter.
  3. mine was about 30 dollars.
  4. i was 13 when i got mine, but i have to get something notorized.
  5. ha like 10 seconds depending on the piercer.
  6. you could get dizzy or nauseous if youre really nervous.
  7. that stuff doesnt bother me, but if youre nervous, dont.
  8. cant all piercings?
  9. after you wait the healing time.
  10. youre supposed to wait a few months, but i changed mine about 2 weeks after.

if you want to know this stuff, the piercer will tell you more than enough. and if youre this worried about the pain and how long it takes, then id recommend to not get it done.

Answer #34
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? like a 2 at the most
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? if your skinny the clamps are harder to get them to stay on
  3. how much does it usually cost? mine was 25
  4. is there an age limit? nope
  5. how fast is it over with? count to 3
  6. could it make me sick? only if your nervous
  7. should I look @ the needle? if your not nervous..but you should lay back and relax
  8. can it get infected easily? yeah
  9. can I go swimming after? sure
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it?they say 4 weeks but I changed mine in two
Answer #35

1.about a 3.5, it only hurt when the needle first went in. 2.my friend is skinny and it hurt her and I am a bit bigger than her and it didn’t really hurt me. 3.mine cost around £20. 4.nope but if you are younger than 16 you have to get your parent/guardian to sign a form. 5.about 2 mins? 6.not sure 7.I wouldn’t 8.it depends where you get it done 9.im not sure about straight away but you dont have to stop swimming completely I dont think. 10.it should say on a letter they give youu.

Answer #36
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? I acctually couldn’t feel it as they freeze your belly now :)

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? I’m Pretty small but my friend who is bigger just said the same as me :)

  3. how much does it usually cost? Mine was £25 with a gold stud. silver was £15

  4. is there an age limit? I think it varies around 14years

  5. how fast is it over with? I was still sitting on the bed with my eys closed when she said it had been done 2 minutes ago

  6. could it make me sick? Hmm Yeah it can, mine got infected, only because my friends cat kept sitting on my tummy, but im allergic and it caused me to faint, but that was the allergic reaction.

  7. should I look @ the needle? Its not big so if you want ?

  8. can it get infected easily? Nope, not if you keep it clean and put the antiseptic on it 2-4 times a day :)

  9. can I go swimming after? Yeah, the chlorine doesn’t effect it :)

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change 6 Weeks or how long the piercer tells you

Hope it helped :) xx

Answer #37

I love my belly pericing :) my fabourite one by far:)

Answer #38
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? ha um. I was holding my 8 yr old step sisters hand; & I hate needles & I kinda squeezed her hand so hard I broke it. thats what cheering does to you (:
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter?dont matter. im skinny.
  3. how much does it usually cost? uh mine cost bout 60.
  4. is there an age limit? uh 13 in teenese. but in south carolina its 16 w/ parent permission & 18 w.out parent
  5. how fast is it over with? REALLY fast.
  6. could it make me sick? I was really nasuated.
  7. should I look @ the needle? NO ! deff. not.
  8. can it get infected easily? YES! clean everyday bout 3 times a day. mine got infected. but its cleard up now.
  9. can I go swimming after? uh you may not feel like it. hah
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? bout 4 weeks I think. I don’t know they will tell ya.

hope ya take my advice(:

Answer #39
  1. It really depends on your pain tolerance. It hurt me. lol so I’ll say 7-8.
  2. My cousin is super skinny and she said it hurt and a fat friend of mine said that it didn’t hurt. I’m inbetween and it hurt me, so it’s really about your pain tolerance. Size doesn’t matter.
  3. It depends on the place and the jewelry you choose. Mines was $35.
  4. You have to be 18 w/o your parent’s consent. But as long as your parents approve you should be good.
  5. It’s complete in less than a minute. They move pretty quickly.
  6. If it gets infected, yea.
  7. You need to watch EVERYTHING the piercer does. Watch them wash their hands, get a new needle, have clean supplies, and clean your belly button before they do the piercing.
  8. If you don’t properly clean it, then yeah. Mines did because I cleaned it too much. A little peroxide cleared it up though. But go to a dr. if you get an infection or think you have one.
  9. Chlorine may irritate it the first few weeks or months. Ask the piercer. I was told to do it in the winter so by the summer it should be healed enough to change it.
  10. I waited 4 months since I got an infection. When the swelling and pus stops, you should be able to change it. But be quick.
Answer #40
  1. About a 3
  2. Doesnt matter
  3. Mine was about $40
  4. I got mine done when i was 13, but without parental consent, 16.
  5. A few seconds
  6. Usually drink or eat something before so you dont get sick.
  7. If your really nervous, dont.
  8. Only if you dont clean it properly.
  9. I did about 3 days after but it was in a pool. Usually wait a couple weeks.
  10. Usually 2-3 months.
Answer #41

I just pierced my own belly button myself, like half an hour ago. I used alcohol prep pads, and a disinfected needle and peroxide, and numbed my whole navel. now im just scared for infection…

Answer #42

I got mu bellybutton done about three months ago and I love it!! On a scale 1-10 for pain it was about a 5 for me!! I think and heard its probably the most painful piercing but I don’t know it hurt pretty bad

Answer #43

9 … Everyone are stupid … course you can go swimming because the chlorine heals it quicker

Answer #44
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? for me it was likee a 3 outta 10. the actual piercing of it didnt hurt, it was just a quick pinch, but afterward it stung a little.. like if you were to cut yourself or soemthing, nothing unbearable at all.
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? I have no idea lol.
  3. how much does it usually cost? mine cost $45, the price of the jewlery was $35 & I tipped the piercer $10.
  4. is there an age limit? 18 or older without parental consent is how I believe it is done.
  5. how fast is it over with? like 5 minutes, cleaning, piercing and all.
  6. could it make me sick? im sure if it got infected you could get sick.
  7. should I look @ the needle? I didnt, but to each its own.
  8. can it get infected easily? yes, I know a lot of people who have had their navel get infected. but mostly because they did something they were not supposed to do, ie change it too quickly or not clean it regularly.
  9. can I go swimming after? not immediatly. I forget how long, the piercer should tell you though.
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? I actually changed mine like two weeks after, thats when I got the balls to take it out. it didnt hurt, my only mistake was putting a fake gold ring in and it irritated it.
Answer #45
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? -> matters if you can take pain for me a 2..but then again I had 70 stitches..so I guess I can take pain. :)

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? ->im 110 and 13. and it didnt make a difference then my sister whos 18.haha shes was crying and I was fine so maybe age mattrs haha :)

  3. how much does it usually cost? -> mine was free. my aunt did it; but some $45 to $80 dependin on if you buy a riong there or if you already have one.

  4. is there an age limit? ->not if you have a parent. :)

  5. how fast is it over with? -> like 15 seconds fr the needle and 2 min for the ring and everything. but the clamp hurts more than the needle so you might not even notice. :P

  6. could it make me sick? -> ehhh. matters what you call sick…shitt made me tired.

  7. should I look @ the needle? -> well needles dont scare me but I dont advise you cause thats the only thing youll be thinking about when you get it done :P

  8. can it get infected easily? -> if you dont take care of it.

  9. can I go swimming after? -> WAITTT!!! it will sting if you g too early. defenitely not the same day haha :)

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? -> I waited 2 months just to be on the safe side. hehe…twirl it around at night just so it doesnt get crusty or stuck in your sleep.

Answer #46
  1. The pain will be about a 4-5 , It all depends on how you take pain, but it always hurts less then you think.

  2. I think It would hurt a bit more if you were thinner, but I am not sure.

  3. At my piercers, it says it is 43 dollars, plus the jewelry, so about 48 $

  4. Age limit? Well, I think any piercer will do it if you have a parent’s permission, and the parent is there with you. I think some places, you would have to be 16 or older.

  5. It’s surprising how fast it is. When I got my lip done, I asked him to go really fast, so when he put the needle through, it only hurt for.. A second, and I am a big wimp when it comes to needles. I think it would only hurt when the piercer tightens the hoop, if you get a hoop.

  6. I think It MAY make you sick, if you take really bad care of it.

  7. No, you shouldn’t look at the needle. It may get you all worked up, and you may flinch and the piercer might mess up. I didn’t look at the needle. Keep your eyes shut, or don’t look at your belly.

  8. I think It can get infected easily, so take good care of it. Wash it about.. Twice a day.

  9. Definatly not. Public pools or lakes have lots of germs, and you can get an infection. Wait until the piercing is healed.

  10. Six weeks to four months. Four months for it to fully heal. And yes, go back to him so he can change it.

Answer #47

have a lot of questions about belly button piercings

  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? dependin on ur pain tolerance.i have a low pain tolerance and it was about a 5 for me
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? it doesnt matter.
  3. how much does it usually cost? 45.00$
  4. is there an age limit? yes,in some states you have to be 16 with parents permission
  5. how fast is it over with? it takes about 1 min to about 1 1/2 mins
  6. could it make me sick? yes,depending on ur pain tolerance
  7. should i look @ the needle? no,it will make you kinda nervous
  8. can it get infected easily? yes,clean it twice a day(morning/night) with contact solution,neosporan,and dial soap.
  9. can i go swimming after? i would advise you to wait about a week,because of the chlorine in the pool can infect it
  10. how long do i have to wait until I can change it? when i got my belly button done they said i could change it after 8 weeks(two months)

I hope these answers were helpful! i have had mine done for 2 months and its really worth it.

Answer #48
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? I would say the pain is about a 2 maybe even a 1. the piercing doesnt hurt its the clamp.

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? it shouldnt matter.

  3. how much does it usually cost? Mine was $50. it depends on the type of body jewlery you pick.

  4. is there an age limit? if your 16 you can do it without parental consent, but anyone younger must have parental consent.

  5. how fast is it over with? it shouldnt be anymore than a few seconds. real quick.

  6. could it make me sick? no, unless you have a really weak stomach then dont look at the needle.

  7. should I look @ the needle? when I got mine done I look at it & then I kinda freaked. so I would recommend not looking at it.

  8. can it get infected easily? of course, if you dont take the proper care of it while its healing then you can run into some problems.

  9. can I go swimming after? wait intill its healed because you dont want the bacteria in the water to go inside you newly pierced hole.

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? about a month.

Answer #49
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)?
    About one its not soreee .

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? No it just goes by your pain tolerence .

  3. how much does it usually cost? Mine Was 35

  4. is there an age limit? Nopee if your under 16 you have to be with an adult

  5. how fast is it over with? like 2 mins

  6. could it make me sick? If you dont eat something borefore it maybe because your sugar levels go low

  7. should I look @ the needle? Nopee because if your lying on the bed and looking at it the woman said when its finhed you could look bloated

  8. can it get infected easily? Nopee but can go really red if you dont claen it

  9. can I go swimming after? Yes but you have to wait for 2 weeks

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? about 2-3 months

hopee I helped

Answer #50

All piercers will provide you with their own detailed aftercare instructions, but I will give ou mine.

  1. The pain is very mild, about a 3.
  2. It doesn’t matter at all
  3. Usually costs about $40(CDN) if you have your own jewlry, and $60(CDN) if you don’t
  4. usually you have to be 16 to get a piercing without parental concent!
  5. It only takes a few seconds
  6. Most piercers will tell you to go eat or drink something to bring up your blood sugar
  7. if you are afraid of needles I wouldnt advize you to take a look
  8. if you don’t follow the aftercare instructions it can
  9. It’s not recomended that you go swimming in the first two weeks
  10. Usually you should wait about one month to change it, but you can do it sooner if things are healing properly, and it hasn’t been infected


Answer #51

Heyy :] I’ve had my bellybutton pierced since I was 12, so i’ll fill this out with all my knowledge.

  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)?
  • For me, It was a 2 or 3. The fact I was thinking it would hurt really bad was misleading, so don’t be nervous :]
  1. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter?
  • I wouldn’t think it would matter. I’ve never heard of someone having a fat bellybutton, hahah.
  1. how much does it usually cost?
  • If I remember right, mine was 40 dollars. But don’t go by price, go by how you feel about the atmosphere and the person piercing you. Shop around and see your options.
  1. is there an age limit?
  • At the place I went to, all I needed was my moms signature. But i’m sure they don’t want a 7 year old walking in to get pierced, lol.
  1. how fast is it over with?
  • The clamping takes the most time, and the piercing itself is over in mere seconds.
  1. could it make me sick?
  • If you fail to clean it afterwards, it can get very infected. Also, if the needle isn’t sterile, it can be fatal. But piercing places are required to be healthy and clean and stuff, so it shouldn’t be a matter of concern.
  1. should i look @ the needle?
  • It all depends on your preferences. I looked when I got mine done, only because I can’t stand not knowing what’s going on. Some people get queasy by looking. Do what makes you comfortable.
  1. can it get infected easily? Extremely. I’d pick up a bottle of Bactine from your local grocery store, it’s a low priced cleaning and anti-infection liquid you rub on the pierced area with a q-tip. Some places give you cleaning solutions. Clean it daily, and do not take the peircing out until it is fully healed.
  2. can i go swimming after? You might want to wait a few days, until the infection is under control and the pain goes down a little.
  3. how long do i have to wait until I can change it? Until it is healed, they say. But who wants to wait months? I changed mine as soon as I could move it around in all directions and yank on it without it hurting at all. It didn’t get infected after changing it then.

I hope this helped :]

Answer #52
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? The pain is about a 1 or 2. ITS not as bad as people say. I had my top done, but it got ripped out [so dont wear dangley belly rings till its healed] and juss a few days ago I got my bottem done.

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? Im sure it doesnt matter. Different people have different pain levels.

  3. how much does it usually cost? Mine cost $30. Usually the vary on the type of belly ring you get.

  4. is there an age limit? You have to be at least of the age 15-17 with parent consent. I did get my top done at age 16, but it ripped. However I am 18. I didnt need that parent consent this time.

  5. how fast is it over with? Well the piercing with get ready, tell you to take a deep breath and let out, so soon as your done letting out your breath, its all over with.

  6. could it make me sick? I highly recommend you not look at the needle. Look up at the ceailing or close your eyes and think of something else.

  7. should I look @ the needle? Absolutly not. You will get freaked and not go thru with it, or you will be completely scared and uptight when the needle goes thru, then it will hurt like a mofo.

  8. can it get infected easily? yes. Clean it with sea salt and water. No rubbing alcohol and no hydrogen peroxcide or anything of that nature. never use table salt and water. Only use what you peircer gives you, or sea salt and puritfied water, and antibacterial soap.

  9. can I go swimming after? Wait until its healed. Soft skin doesnt heal fast.

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? You could wait 2 weeks, but it will be sore to chage. So wait a month. Before you change it, clean the area, clean the new belly ring, stick it in, and clean agian. NEVER leave you bely ring out for a long period of time. it could be a btch getting back in.

Answer #53
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? everyone has a different pain tolerance. for me it was only about a 3.

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? if you don’t have a lot of skin above your belly button they may have to clamp it and I’ve heard that it hurts worse when you get it clamped.

  3. how much does it usually cost? anywhere between $30-$60 depending on where you get it pierced at.

  4. is there an age limit? only if you don’t have a parent with you.

  5. how fast is it over with? just a matter of seconds. first, you have to tuck your shirt under your bra so they can draw the dot where it will be even then you lay down on the table, they stick a needle through, put the ring in, then your done! then they lecture you on how important it is to take care of it and blah blah.. lol

  6. could it make me sick? if your allergic to the type of ring or something.

  7. should I look @ the needle? I looked at mine. haha. it doesn’t really matter.. I don’t have a fear of needles like a lot of people do.

  8. can it get infected easily? if you don’t take care of it.

  9. can I go swimming after? your not supposed to go swimming in pools with chlorine until it heals. you can swim in saline pools, but if you do go swimming in chlorified water, I recommend you put a band-aid or some kind of cover over it.

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? anywhere from 1-6 months depending on how fast yours heals.

Answer #54
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? if the piercer is experienced, it’s not bad at all; 3-4?
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? I wouldn’t know because I’m not both of those? haha but I doubt it makes a difference.
  3. how much does it usually cost? it depends on where you get it done, mine was $60.
  4. is there an age limit? under 18 you have to have parental consent.
  5. how fast is it over with? super quick if you have a piercer who knows what they’re doing.
  6. could it make me sick? uhh, I don’t think so? unless you’re one of those people that freak out easily. then possibly.
  7. should I look @ the needle? it’s not a good idea, because it’ll probably freak you out even more, and you shouldn’t get all worked up and scared.
  8. can it get infected easily? if you don’t clean it enough and don’t listen to the after care procedures.
  9. can I go swimming after? I didn’t go swimming in a pool for about a month after I got it done. but you can go to the beach after about 2 weeks and it should be fine.
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? they say at least 2 months, but I waited 6 months and I think that’s better. (:
Answer #55
  1. its a fast squeeze.
  2. um well I’m considered skinny (size 0-2) and it didn’t hurt at all I actually laughed but I have a high tolerance for pain. its all different for people.
  3. mine was 60$ only because of the barbell I picked.
  4. no there isn’t but as long as your under 18 you have to have a legal guardian.
  5. the piercing is less then 5 seconds but cleaning and marking the spot a totally of maybe 5 minutes.
  6. you do get a little dizzy after. but sick no.
  7. I looked at the needle it wasn’t bad at all but if your scared then don’t.
  8. yes it can. its an open wound.
  9. I went swimming the week it was done haha I never listen but if I were you wait maybe 2-3 weeks tops.
  10. my good friend is a excellent piercer if you want a dangle I would reccomment you wait atleast 6 months because the weight will irritate your belly button

and when you get it done walk into the parlor EXCITED like im guna get it done NOT scared. excited makes it funner and easier being scared makes things worse

Answer #56

Okay so, I personally haven’t gotten my belly button done, but my two best friends are. Yesterday, I went to get my cartilage pierced and my friends asked about belly button piercings so I hope my information helps you.

  1. According the Robin (the piercing expert, whose had her belly button pierced) said it hurts less than getting the cartilage pierced. Your belly button is really soft tissue so it would only be like a pinch.

  2. Honestly it doesn’t matter whether your skinny or bigger because everyone has soft tissue around their belly button.

  3. There is really no set cost for a belly button piercing. You would have to go to the piercing place where you are thinking about getting it done and find out their prices.

  4. From what I’ve heard there is not an age limit. It is probably best if your over 13. Depending on the piercing place’s rules you might have to get a parent to sign for you. At the place I went to if you were over 14 years old you didn’t need a parent to sign for you.

  5. Well, they pretty much just stick the needle through and that is about it. So, it is pretty fast.

  6. The only way it would make you sick is if it was infected. But, even that wouldn’t make you physically sick.

  7. Proper piercing places would explain and show to you during the process that all needles/other tools/rings are from brand new packages that have been sterilized in a machine like they use at a hospital. You don’t need to look at the needle but your should be watching to make sure it is from a new, unopened package. Otherwise, you shouldn’t even get it done.

  8. The only reason why people get infections is because they don’t take care of it or the piercing place was not sanitary. So, you can avoid the risk of infection by first watching to make sure all needles and tools are from packages that have not been opened. Those tools have been sterilized in the sanitary machines like they hospitals use. If the needle is in a new, unopened package that shows that it is brand new. Next, if you properly clean your belly button with the proper cleansers and as many times as your suppose to a day I guarantee you will not get an infection.

  9. Your suppose to wait about three months before going swimming in chlorine. The reason why they say this is because the chlorine will dry out the piercing. That is why many people get their belly button pierced in winter then it is okay for the summer time. If you do get it done in the summer and want to go swimming you can buy large waterproof band aides that will fit over the whole piercing and keep it dry. Only use those band aides when you are in the water and take it off after you are done swimming.

  10. They say you should wait about three months. Also, there are proper types of rings you should wear in your belly button. If you have an innie belly button that is deep you should wear a ring type of belly button. If you have an innie belly button that isn’t very deep you can wear and barbell type. The reason why they suggest this is because if your belly button is very deep the barbell will be constantly sinking into your belly button and you will always have to pull it out which is irritating.

Answer #57
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? Pain is about 2, rele dont hurt, depends how much a pussy you are.:L

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? if your fatter, hurts more, because skin is thicker

  3. how much does it usually cost? mine was £20 but that was like 3 years ago now, where I live its £10 for all piercings

  4. is there an age limit? if your 16 you can do it without parent, but if your under then have to have parent with you.

  5. how fast is it over with? within seconds

  6. could it make me sick? nope

  7. should I look @ the needle? up to you, I ent scared needles so I looked at it.

  8. can it get infected easily? yes, clean it all the time!

  9. can I go swimming after? yeah dont really matter.

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? about month/2months

Answer #58

mine didn’t hurt at all… I thought he was clamping the thing around that they put the needle thru, but he was actually piercing it!

Answer #59

How long after having it done do I have to wait untill I can swim ? x

Answer #60
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? 1
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? doesnt matter
  3. how much does it usually cost? £20-£40
  4. is there an age limit? I think with a parent can be like 13
  5. how fast is it over with? like a second
  6. could it make me sick? I dont think so.
  7. should I look @ the needle? I didnt :L.
  8. can it get infected easily? just clean it properly and it’ll be fine.
  9. can I go swimming after? no, not till it’s healed.
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? I waited 6-7 weeks.
Answer #61

I want mine done and im scared about the pain but after reading this it got no higher than a 2 so I think it will be okay, now got to persuade my mum :)


Answer #62
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? 6

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? I dont no but im stick thin and I tought it hurt where as my friend who is a little heavier didn think it hurt as much!!! its all got to do wit your pain threshold

  3. how much does it usually cost? mine was 60euro and I got free after care

  4. is there an age limit? not by law but some places will only take over 16

  5. how fast is it over with? 2 mins

  6. could it make me sick? I felt a little faint after it happened me but that is because I jumped off the table very quick!! sit for awile and drink lots of water you should be fine

  7. should I look @ the needle? NOOO

  8. can it get infected easily? mine did and took forever to clear up but now its 100%

  9. can I go swimming after? not within the first few days

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? few weeks

Answer #63

Okay Im only asnwering number one because you have a lot of other answers. But honestly I’ve had my eyebrow, tongue, tragus, nose, lip, and belly button pierced. And my belly buttons hurt the most. I seriously would give that a 9…I don’t know maybe because I had it done before and I had scar tissue the second time. But even the first time…I would give it about a 6 or 7.

Answer #64
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? I’ve had mine done and its not as bad as you think its going to be
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? im not sure, im about adverage and it didnt hurt
  3. how much does it usually cost? about 30 pounds-ish.
  4. is there an age limit? I got mine done in canada, im 13.
  5. how fast is it over with? about 30 seconds
  6. could it make me sick? only if your scweemish
  7. should I look @ the needle? no!
  8. can it get infected easily? yes but it is easy to fight
  9. can I go swimming after? 3-6 months
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it?3-6 months
Answer #65

1.the pain for me was a 2 or 1.,didn’t hurt me at all.

2.I don’t really think it would matter,I’m skinny and it didn’t hurt.

3.mine was $35 at a tattoo shop.

4.the place where I got mine done you had to be 13,I was 14.

5.its very fast bout 8 seconds.

6.I don’t think it would make you sick enless your very nervous.

7.why would you look at it? lol no..close your eyes..duh(:

8.it can get infected verry easily,just buy the cleaner where you get the piercing at or hydrogen perocide.

9.I went swimming like 3 days after I got it,just clean it really good afterwards.

10.I waited 6 months,but the pain may be a problem,but I can handle it really easily.

Answer #66

1-well im 13. For me it hurt about a 3 or 4. The only part that hurts is the klampin. you can’t feel the needle 2- it really doesn’t matter 3- it depends on where you go mine was 45$ 4- it kinda depends on where you go again haha usually you have to be 15 with permission w/ parent. Bt I got mine when I was 11. 5- it gets over within like 3 mins. Extremely fast 6- if you think about it to much yes some people get sick 7- I looked at the needle.and it didn’t do anything.if your the type that’s scared just imagine it as somethin else 8-yes. It can. DO NOT use sea salt.no matter what people tell u.only use reg. Dial soap twice a day for at least 3 months. 9- no you can’t go right after. It takes about 6 months to fully heal. I went swimmin after about 3 or 4 10- don’t listen to those idiots. you have to wait at least four months to let it heal enought

And yes oozing of a yellow green is normal.

=] Hope I helped.

Answer #67
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)? ->mine hurts really bad I wud say 8 but it’s during the process of piercing thru it last 5secs
  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter? -> it hurts more if your really skinny bone
  3. how much does it usually cost? S$50
  4. is there an age limit? in singapore is 18 years old
  5. how fast is it over with? ->15-20secs
  6. could it make me sick? -> light headed and blackout for a few mins; few hours after the piercing
  7. should I look @ the needle? NO
  8. can it get infected easily? don’t touch it with your hands without cleansing it with anti-bacterial soap.take lotsa zinc and vitamin c supplements.it helps.it was amazing how it healed my wound tremendously in jz 2mths
  9. can I go swimming after? best to wait for 3-6mths
  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it? best to wait 6mths later
Answer #68

okk im 13 and I got my navel (belly button) pierced 2 years ago and it s fine soo your questions… 1 about a 1 I didnt even feel it at all I didnt hurt

2 no it dosent matter as long as your healthy

  1. mine costed about $70 but they can be from anywhere from $40-90

4 you have to be 13 with an adult or legal gardian with you

5 it really quick 1st they tell you 2 relax and breath in and exhale and when you do they push the needle threw it lasts for like a sec or two I didnt feel it hurt until I tried to sit down in the car ride home

6 no I dont think so only if you let it get super infected of something

7 no I don’t know if your afrain of needles

8 yes but mine didnt all you need to do is keep it clean so wash in soapy water soak it in saline soultion (contact cleaner) and dry it with a paper towl

9 no im sorry not until it completely heals which can be anywhere from 6weeks to a full year

  1. 6 weeks - a year
Answer #69
  1. how bad is the pain 1-10 (10 being really bad)?

  2. does it hurt more if your really skinny or bigger or does it matter?

  3. how much does it usually cost?

  4. is there an age limit?

  5. how fast is it over with?

  6. could it make me sick?

  7. should I look @ the needle?

  8. can it get infected easily?

  9. can I go swimming after?

  10. how long do I have to wait until I can change it?

  11. id say about 1 or 2 … mine I hardly felt, there was no pain just felt it pop through the skin. 2.I dont think it really matters :) 3.mine was £15 and it was worth it 4.im not sure about the age thing but I was 13 when I had mine done 5.felt less than a minute 6.erm I dont think so =] 7.I wouldnt because it put me off a little as I dont like needles so I wouldnt if you want to be a bit more confident,unless you dont worry about needles. 8.yeah if you dont clean it regulary 9.In the sea (salt water) Yes but in a swimming pool no,they advise you not to

  12. I changed mine on the fourth week but your not ment to until week 6.

Hope I helped in some way :) xxx

Answer #70

i had mine done nearly 4 years ago now and it doesn’t hurt it just feels like a big pinch so it hurts for like 2 seconds after that it didnt hurt i didnt have mine clamped or numbed its worse if it clamped because after the clamp is off the blood starts to rush back to that area . its not that bad after its just feels like you have pulled a muscle if you stretch dont be scared all the girls in my year at high school all got it done and we all agreed tat it didnt hurt :) just make sure that you clean it loads so that it heals nicely dont use salt water that doesn’t work use savlon spray

Answer #71

Hi I’m 16 and my belly was pierced by a friend. Main thing u shud know about me is I don’t take pain very well( still cry with shots ) 1 no point in getting it numbed 2 there super sharp 3 it just feels uncomfortable 4 not really . Overall pAin for process is a 5

Answer #72

Hi I’m 16 and my belly was pierced by a friend. Main thing u shud know about me is I don’t take pain very well( still cry with shots ) 1 no point in getting it numbed 2 there super sharp 3 it just feels uncomfortable 4 not really . Overall pAin for process is a 5

Answer #73

Hi I’m 16 and my belly was pierced by a friend. Main thing u shud know about me is I don’t take pain very well( still cry with shots ) 1 no point in getting it numbed 2 there super sharp 3 it just feels uncomfortable 4 not really . Overall pAin for process is a 5

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