lost my virginity and freakin out...

okay, so I know I am 18 and should know these things, but I just had sex for the first time the other day. So, is it bad to have sex and start your period the next day? Not only that, but my period only lasted 3 days. (mind you I started birth control only a month ago). im just freakin out because im too too too young to be a mommy. so im on bc, but its only been a month, and we used a condom and it didn’t break…someone please just give me some real advice…not some half assed shit that wont help me…

Answer #1

If you were already on the pill for a month, that is probably why your period only lasted 3 days. The pill helps to regulate your periods. You say you used a condom when you had sex, so I really doubt if you are pregnant. I think you’re safe.

If you wish to be sure, pick up a home pregnancy test.


Answer #2

the blood loss may have not been your period it may have been a large loss due to the breaking of your hymen, although this occuring usually only causes spotting, it is entirely possible

Answer #3

Yes that is normal, sex can cause your period to come sooner and normal for the rest also

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice