Will I lose weight eating fruit everyday?

If I just eat fruit everyday will I lose about 10 to 20 pounds in 2 weeks?

Answer #1

Eating fruit and veggies like a good little girl will probly keep the weight off, excerising will burn it off so you loose weight.

I could be wrong though, I’ve never really been fat before but what I said seems logical.

Answer #2

Yeah actually, I just ate protein, fruits, and veggys for a while and I lost somee weight. only 7 pounds… but I felt really active and energized.. so I started working out. And lost more weight. So yeah, it works. :]

Answer #3

Over a year ago I went on a 21-day juice fast and I lost 15 pounds. I did extensive research before I did this!!! After the fast, I adapted a pesco-vegetarian diet and added light excercise. Because of this, the weight never came back. I look and feel great! The fast took the weight off, my new lifestyle has kept it off.

Answer #4

how much would and average 12 year old lose a week by not eating because my son daniel I’ve’e not see him eat for a while and he has lost quiet a lot of weight .

he weighs 11 stone or use to weight that but he is well under 11 stone now im guessing. he is exactly 5 ft 6 so can you tell me what he might have lost with in that week of not eating??? he is on holiday right now and I know his password for his email so if you know reply to this on


thanks very much if you have any info on this.

Answer #5

Probably not, but if you change your whole diet and not eat fatty foods like burgers and chocolate, you might lose -some- weight. Also, try becoming more active and drink water instead of things like Pepsi and Sprite. If you run about 30 minutes to an hour a day, or even a brisk walk, and eat healthy you’ll surely lose some weight.

Answer #6

no!!!an adult can lose up to 2lbs a week and that’s only healthy. and if that guy you were talking about really likes you then it wont matter if you have a little fat on you. I can tell you were ridiculed as a child to be better and try to improve and you never feel successful. yeah and fruit is natural sugar but still sugar and you can gain weight. eat a lot of protein to gain lean muscle burn fat and keep it off, eat fat moderatley, dont drink energy drinks b/c if you have extra energy(fat) you need to burn it off. veggies are probably the biggest part of every meal and keep everything else in moderation. MODERATION IS KEY TO WEIGHT SUCCESS

Answer #7

You should consider more outdoor activities such a jogging, etc. or you should consider taking up a class (some type of cardio class and also incorporate that with light weight lifting) at a nearby fitness center or park district. Do you enjoy any sports? Jogging is a great way to lose weight because you can do it virtually anywhere. If you have music or an IPOD, the time will fly by. However, it is better to run on gravel or grass to avoid any strain from running on cement. Try to start with twenty minutes of physical activity three times per week and work your way up in terms of intensity and duration. In regards to your diet, you should cut your carbs portions in half. Eat less pasta, rice, bread..especially after 7 p.m. Carbs turn into sugar, which are then stored as fat if you eat them too late in the day. Stay away from sugar: pop, fruit juices, chocolate, and sweets. Don’t cut them out completely because I believe one should be entitled to eat whatever he or she wants one day out of the week (as a reward for the dieting and exercise). Eat more protein, lean meat, and vegetables. Eat more fish and chicken (no skin). Breasts are better. No pun intended. Eat red meat sparingly. No burgers or fried food. Eat more salads and veggies in the evening as a replacement for carbs (pasta, bread, etc.). If you get hungry before bed, eat a piece of fruit or protein (cottage cheese, tuna, eggs). Try to stay away from fast food, large portions, and eating out too often. If you eat out a lot, only consume half of the portion which is served to you at the restaurant. Try to only order entrees that are GRILLED, STEAMED, or BROILED. Drink lots of water to as it can suppress your appetite. It is also good for rehydration. Eat six SMALL meals during the day rather than three LARGE meals. Your metabolism will aid in the continuous digestion of food which will also aid in your weight loss journey. Lastly, try to work out in the morning before you eat anything. You will burn fat immediately when you work out in the morning. If you exercise later in the day, you will burn the calories consumed during lunch or breakfast. Also, two pounds per week is healthy weight loss…ten to twenty pounds in two weeks is way too much…Hope this helps, and good luck! I wish you the best!

Answer #8

You should consider more outdoor activities such a jogging, etc. or you should consider taking up a class (some type of cardio class and also incorporate that with light weight lifting) at a nearby fitness center or park district. Do you enjoy any sports? Jogging is a great way to lose weight because you can do it virtually anywhere. If you have music or an IPOD, the time will fly by. However, it is better to run on gravel or grass to avoid any strain from running on cement. Try to start with twenty minutes of physical activity three times per week and work your way up in terms of intensity and duration. In regards to your diet, you should cut your carbs portions in half. Eat less pasta, rice, bread..especially after 7 p.m. Carbs turn into sugar, which are then stored as fat if you eat them too late in the day. Stay away from sugar: pop, fruit juices, chocolate, and sweets. Don’t cut them out completely because I believe one should be entitled to eat whatever he or she wants one day out of the week (as a reward for the dieting and exercise). Eat more protein, lean meat, and vegetables. Eat more fish and chicken (no skin). Breasts are better. No pun intended. Eat red meat sparingly. No burgers or fried food. Eat more salads and veggies in the evening as a replacement for carbs (pasta, bread, etc.). If you get hungry before bed, eat a piece of fruit or protein (cottage cheese, tuna, eggs). Try to stay away from fast food, large portions, and eating out too often. If you eat out a lot, only consume half of the portion which is served to you at the restaurant. Try to only order entrees that are GRILLED, STEAMED, or BROILED. Drink lots of water to as it can suppress your appetite. It is also good for rehydration. Eat six SMALL meals during the day rather than three LARGE meals. Your metabolism will aid in the continuous digestion of food which will also aid in your weight loss journey. Lastly, try to work out in the morning before you eat anything. You will burn fat immediately when you work out in the morning. If you exercise later in the day, you will burn the calories consumed during lunch or breakfast. Also, two pounds per week is healthy weight loss…ten to twenty pounds in two weeks is way too much…Hope this helps, and good luck! I wish you the best!

Answer #9


This is a lifetime plan with you in mind. My son is currently almost 300lbs and I am coaching him on his weight loss, he’s 16yrs old. I don’t know how old you are but no matter what start now do it for your health and for your future.

(2lbs per week, Healthy weight loss, no starving)

I know how it is to be the fatso and the ugly duckling but I also know what it is to lose weight and get the attention so hopefully you will contact me.

I am currently trying to lose 100 lbs so far I have lost 8lbs on my first month, no starving required. When it comes to losing weight it’s extremely difficult, but it can be done.

You need to start with determination, discipline and really want it.

Remember also many years of the abuse given to our digestive system counts. there is a 21 day cleansing program with what I am currently using that helps. esp. those last few pounds are the hardest. I say few because I have 100+ to go.

I truely believe that every pound counts so I know that those twenty lbs are really bothering you.

My father is a 68yrs old and has run 20+ marathons all of them 26+ miles he had about 10lbs to lose and couldn’t for many years. Believe me he is a healthy man, but couldn;t get rid of those last few and he lost them within 2mths. My mom one of the worlds most stubborn women has changed her eating habits and lost 9lbs the first month she’s 61yrs old and my brother lost 13;bs the first month he used the 21 day we have a whole list of people in our family alone losing it. Using these products

I’m giving you these websites for you to get more info : , (please read the blogs) and on herbalnutrition.net/jemmvli you can get more info on your health.

Remember there are many people offering you many products but I myself am a living testimony and I am also tired of my overweight issue I’ve battled with it all my life. Don’t take other peoples word for it do it yourself.

I currently don;t have pics of me posted due to the embarrasment of how I look and anybody with a weight issue knows that taking pics is not a fun thing to do. But I will post them as soon as I feel I can dig up the courage to take the after pic. I do have the before pic. hope to hear from you. jemmvli

Answer #10


You need more vitamins and nutrients than just eating fruit. You also need fiber, calcium and protein. Fruit alone is not a recommended diet pan esp. not long term.

This is a lifetime plan with you in mind. My son is currently almost 300lbs and I am coaching him on his weight loss, he’s 16yrs old. I don’t know how old you are but no matter what start now do it for your health and for your future.

(2lbs per week, Healthy weight loss, no starving)

I know how it is to be the fatso and the ugly duckling but I also know what it is to lose weight and get the attention so hopefully you will contact me.

I am currently trying to lose 100 lbs so far I have lost 8lbs on my first month, no starving required. When it comes to losing weight it’s extremely difficult, but it can be done.

You need to start with determination, discipline and really want it.

Remember also many years of the abuse given to our digestive system counts. there is a 21 day cleansing program with what I am currently using that helps. esp. those last few pounds are the hardest. I say few because I have 100+ to go.

I truly believe that every pound counts so I know that those twenty lbs are really bothering you.

My father is a 68yrs old and has run 20+ marathons all of them 26+ miles he had about 10lbs to lose and couldn’t for many years. Believe me he is a healthy man, but couldn’t get rid of those last few and he lost them within 2mths. My mom one of the worlds most stubborn women has changed her eating habits and lost 9lbs the first month she’s 61yrs old and my brother lost 13lbs the first month he used the 21 day we have a whole list of people in our family alone losing it. Using these products

I’m giving you these websites for you to get more info : , (please read the blogs) and on herbalnutrition.net/jemmvli you can get more info on your health.

Remember there are many people offering you many products but I myself am a living testimony and I am also tired of my overweight issue I’ve battled with it all my life. Don’t take other peoples word for it do it yourself.

I currently don;t have pics of me posted due to the embarrassment of how I look and anybody with a weight issue knows that taking pics is not a fun thing to do. But I will post them as soon as I feel I can dig up the courage to take the after pic. I do have the before pic.

hope to hear from you. jemmvli

Answer #11

What I did was the night before (Make sure parents had gone to bed, or whoevers in your house) and I got a small container, got 2 apples, 2 bananas, 2 oranges and cut them all up into little pieces. Put them all into the container, put it in the fridge hidden behind loads of food, first thing in the morning get the container and eat say half a bit of apple and orange, and for lunch a bit more, and dinner more than breakfast and lunch. Make sure you have a little bit left, but what you put in the container make sure you eat it all and not leave any and eat it the next day with more fruit. I hope this’ll work for you if you want to lose weight. Just don’t take it too far, and be safe. Excercise! x)

Answer #12

hiii, if you eat fruit, like doesnt matter what fruit or how much you eat, for a whole week you can loose 10 pounds! i have tried this but its kind of hard cuz you can ONLY eat fruit, and the next week once you start eating like other things besides fruit its really easy to gain all back. but anyway good luckk! im trying to loose weight as well -_-“ so hopefully we’ll both reach our goals. x

Answer #13

You will loose weight fast, but its incredibly unhealthy, I used to eat a banana for breakfast, two apples for lunch, and a jacket potato with tomato and mushrooms for dinner, I lost about half a stone a week, but my periods stopped and my hair started falling out.. I was also incredibly moody. And now I’ve started eating, I can’t stop because I deprived myself of food for so long, I double the normal calorie intake every day!

Answer #14

yes being a vegetarian helps you lose weight and its a much healthier diet =] vegetarians live longer woo

Answer #15

Read my profile in my about me section..

Answer #16

Twenty pounds would kind of be a lot to lose in just two weeks. Safe and effective weight lose happens slowly.

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