How can I lose weight and keep it off?

I can not seem to get myself to lose weight and keep it off. I have a reunion in November and I really want to drop like 80 pounds. How can I do this and stay on track?

Answer #1

Well, the best and healthiest way, is Diet and Exercise…these combined will give great results, but you have to be committed enough to stay on the diet, and try and make it a lifestyle.

  1. Eating Healthy: Depending on your body type is how many calories you should consume, when dieting 1200 calories a day is sufficent. There are Slim-Fast shakes that constitute as breakfast (they actually do work, but I wouldn’t make a lifestyle out of it). Going to a nutrionalist can really help open your mind to all the things you should and shouldn’t eat on a regular basis. Remember, if you just don’t eat and EXTREME diet to lose that weight, then once you get off the diet, you WILL gain the weight back, faster, and sometimes more then you lost…so diet RIGHT!
  2. Exercise: Working out 3 times a week for 30 minutes should help you lose the wieght you want, and help keep it off…taking a class, and getting a friend to do it with you is always better, because then you both can push each other…it’s always better to have someone there to support you. Do some more research about the whole diet and exercise plan, and figure out which plan is best for you. is a great place to start…

Hope I helped


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