Lord of the Flies

This book has got me SO confused. Honestly, I’ve been confused since the 1st page! Im on chapter 6, Beast of Air. I dont get what the beast in the air is? It said something about a parachute, so I was thinking a human w/ a parachute. Then it sounded like it was talking about a bird? So which is it? A bird, or a human?

Answer #1

I had to read that when I was in school too. once you get into it, its not a bad book. try watching the movie, it might help with your understanding of it a bit

Answer #2

ugh. unless its a school book I would give up on it. I absolutly hated it. and mine was for school. but anyways it was a human. the book contains a lot of symbolism and is hard to understand sometimes.

Answer #3

the beast is the pilot of the plane that crashes…he parachuted off but ended up falling in the rocks or something…isaw the movie & my teacher told us abou the beast

Answer #4

^true that. its a dead guy that still has a parachute on…I’ve read the book so feel free to ask me any questions!

Answer #5

its a man that is dead in from a parachuting accident. they think its a beast, but really he’s just a scary dead guy.

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