Can someone control my PC from another PC?

can someone control my pc from another pc

Answer #1

yes i once had a problem with my computer and i called the companey and the guy i was talking to was able to controll my computer from where ever he was i did have to type different stuff to let him do it but still it dosent make you feel to safe when that happens

Answer #2

Yes, there is software out there that will allow Tech support to control your computer. You must first grant them permission to do so. Such software will allow you disconnect the person controlling at any time. Once the person is disconnected there will be no unwanted software left on your computer.

Additionally, you can purchase or find free software that will allow you to access and control your own personal computer while at a differnt one (as long as both are connected to the internet). GoToMyPC or LogMeIn will do this; go to there sites and create an account, follow the steps they give. As far as I know LogMeIn has free software that you can use, where as GoToMyPC does not. It is safe as long as you don’t give away your Usernames, and Passwords.

But as rnealw said, you generally don’t have to be affraid of a hacker doing this because it is very difficult to do without your approval.

Answer #3

Wow that really can happen?

Answer #4

Generally No. For a real talented hacker you or a company tech using the right software with your permission yes.

Answer #5

A hacker most certianly can. I was with my two sisters and we were messing around with a guy in a chat room, being the idiots we were and he said nice backround, which he had changed to our family photo to three pigs, then he said why dont you put a CD in or something, and proceeded to open our CD disk thing. Then he told us bye bye girls and our whole computer shut off. It was creepy.

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