Looking for a job

I have been looking for a babysitting job for awhile now. I am in high school and I am home schooled so I am home all day. I loe kids so I wanted to babysit. Does anyone have idea to which I can find a job?

Answer #1

try handing out sheets and your church or dance or an other exra curricular activities or -does your neboirhood have a news letter? try talking to the person ahead of it and see if they can put an add in it

Answer #2

You can get software programs such as JobPad to help you get organized. This will make a big difference for you.

Answer #3

if you need a job dnt go to the job center go to the shops thats locally and ask for beauty expert ive tryed good luck.xxx

Answer #4

if you need a job dnt go to the job center go to the shops thats locally and ask for beauty expert ive tryed good luck.xxx

Answer #5

if you need a job dnt go to the job center go to the shops thats locally and ask for beauty expert ive tryed good luck.xxx

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