how long does it take to get over someones death?

i lost my best friend in the whole world and it isnt getting easier. everyday i wake up and it just hurts as much. everyday i wake up and i cant get out of bed yet! everyday i miss him more than the day before!

please help!

Answer #1

Long time, Good Luck

Answer #2

It depends on the person it could take months it could take years, there is no real answer because there could be times you remember something good about them and start to miss them. Just know that the longer it takes to heal the stronger you get.

Answer #3

It depends on how well you know the person but I don’t think it’s something you can ‘get over’. It is a Pain that has to heal. It will take time but it will get easier :). All the best

Answer #4

I’m really sorry for your loss. No one can ever be replaced and special people are not forgotten but May the Almighty be with you through this tough time. You will be remembered in my prayers.

Answer #5

depends on how long you want to take. There is no rule of thunb there.

Answer #6

Well in reality, it does take a long time…But the best thing you can do is not get all caught up on someone’s death….I am not saying you should forget about them, I am just saying that you need to do things to keep your mind of him/her. And if you did lose someone, I am sorry. I always get a sorrow and chilly feeling when I hear the word death. But I hope it turns out alright….Because you know that in the end everyone dies and that feeling is the feeling that is the hardest to overcome.

Answer #7

If you REALLY LOVED SOMEONE, the answer is NEVER! It’s like with every day that passes we miss them more. I lost my son, and from this I base my opinion on. Some say that time heals all wounds. Well, to some degree they are right. But just because we don’t cry and the pain isn’t that overwhelming doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt. And please do not listen to some who say that just because you are hurting that you are not dealing with it. Cuz if you are feeling pain… then you must be dealing with it… because if you weren’t dealing with it then there would be no pain to feel? Right? I also feel it is okay to talk about the person, some people feel uncomfortable. I feel it helps, and I have always gotten comfort from sharing stories about my son. So to answer your question… we don’t really ever get over someones death… we just get through it. Good luck.

Answer #8

It depends on how close the person was :) if the person was very close, like a parent, sibling or best friend, it could change your life, forever :$ what you have to learn is that they loved you, and how to keep going forward, remember the memories, but dont live in the past :) <3

Answer #9

When my dad died it took me ages before I could get to sleep without crying meself to sleep it just depends on the type of peron you are, I still cry alot over him although he died 2 years ago I still miss him very much i have just found new ways to adapt to it because he will never come back so i have to get around that get on with life

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