how long will it take the manager to call me back?

.. Well finally, interview day came, which was yesturday, it went VERY WELL ! The questions were different from the ones i was expecting .. But anyways, the manager said she was very pleased and that i had excellent answers and that she’s sure her & the other managers woulf definately call back … So when do you guys think they’d call back ? & when they do .. is there anything i should say in particular ? =)

Answer #1

We’re not psychic - we have no way of knowing when the manager will call back. It depends on how many more interviews they have and what others things they need to work out.

Answer #2

Well my dear you are just going to have to be patient! Wait a week if they dont call back then you call them back!

As for what to say…they will tell you what they want from you like : “Hi, we just wanted to let you know that you got the job, how soon can you start?” or something like this: “Hi, so we made a decision, you got the job, can you be here tomorrow morning bright & early at 8am?”

Now it’s up to you… you can decide if you want to start then say: “I can start as soon as possible!” or you can say…”Sure, I will be there bright & early!” or you can say “Can I just finish the week to help my (family member)out & begin first thing Monday morning! (a lot of bosses will say that anyways…so it’s all good!) All depends on what you want…personally I would say: “I can start as soon as possible…when ever it is convenient for you! (shows you are eager & ready for work.and in today’s society that is a definite plus!)

Hope this helped & good luck!

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