Does having long hair make it easier to lose hair?

Answer #1

I don’t think so, I think you just have more hair to lose when you have a lot of it.

Answer #2

No it just makes it more obvious because the hair is so long and gets attached to everything.

Answer #3

I have my hair somewhere passed my shoulder length, and to have hair loss is pretty much the decent amount you lose. Everyday you lose at least 100 strands of hair and gain more each day, so I don’t think it does :>

Answer #4

no, it depends upon the type of hair .. and the nourishment .

Answer #5

It has anything to do with length. It has to do with the thickness of your hair. For example a person with alot of hair loses more hair than a person with thin hair.

Answer #6

i meant nothing*

Answer #7

The longer it is, the longer you have it, the more you do to it, the more it’s subject to breakage.

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