In trouble for helping someone out

Okay, just warning you, this might get a tad controversial:

I was in school today and I was going to my 4th class with my friend, mark, and we saw this girl getting picked on by these other girls, I just walked by, not wanting to get involved dont blame me!, when we realized we were walking to science, not government science, we turned back and we saw that the girls were still picking on this 7th grader! my school has 7th, 8th, and 9th grade, im in 9th, so, I was sick of it, so I went over there and politely asked the girls to stop, they started getting snippy with me, I called the main one a tacky wh0re, because she called me a burnout one, I am a punk, not a mallrat, anyway, she smacked me, and I smacked her back, I was the one who got in trouble, not her!!! Anyway, I’m suspended and she got a little pitty-party, not even detention! I think it’s wrong, what about you?

P.s. I believe they did that because I’ve been known to get kicked out of class, even though I get straight a’s, and she’s little-miss-cheerleader

Answer #1

That is ridiculous. You were sticking up for someone. That’s unfair.

Answer #2

If a girl is willing to hit a boy, she should understand what the consequences could be. I am not saying that you made the right choice, but she should at least get the same punishment you did, if not then more severe.

People here may have posted about it being wrong to hit a girl, but they turned a blind eye to the fact that she was picking on younger kids. Which, in my eyes, is equally wrong.

Answer #3

That is un-fair…U should go back to the school and let them know that she hit you 1st and you want to kn0w why she wasnt punished as you r being punished…if they d0nt do anythng go over their head to the next may n0t b that serious bt if she get away with it n0w she can get away with it again…

Answer #4

of course you can hit a girl if she hits you. this is unfair, make them listen to your side of the story even if they dont want to hear it.

Answer #5

…but you dont hit a girl under any circumstances ..if she hits you just take it ..u shuldnt of called her a tacky wh*ore or whatever it was. and if you didnt like what she called you and smacked you then you shuldnt have gotten involved ..or maybe you shuld have told a teacher or somthing ..

Answer #6

I’m with nick on this one…you shouldn’t have hit back. Once you do, you’re just as responsible, and I’m sure that you’re angry this other girl hit you first, but technically, you did start it with her.

That’s not to say sticking up for someone is wrong, but there are better ways to go about it that doesn’t involve getting yourself in trouble.

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