Local slang

Give us some words or phrases that are part of the slang people use in your area =)

Answer #1

g’day ~ HI

mate~ FRIEND

amped ~ EXCITED

dude~ DUDE

everything that ends in “day” we pronounce as “de”

its kinda hard to say cause were all just used to tlking like that


Answer #2

Hoss ( tough guy) Makin a hand (guy thats workin hard) Stand on it !!! (spin them tires on your truck) muddin (cold beer +4-wheel drive.+rain= muddin) uonto? (do you want to) Get-r-done (getting something done) beer-joint (place we all go to get beer…in the country)

Answer #3

wicked= really or very bubbler= water fountain (drinking fountain) kid/guy= dude, (insert name here), etc. (for girls too) cooch= a woman’s…private area sped= special education, someone in a special needs class, someone stupid

Answer #4

alamak (malay for “oh no”, not vulgar. sounds weird heh)


niao (that means sarcastically insulting someone)

la (used at the end of a sentence to emphasise a casual, laid-back setting)

blur (dimwitted, confused etc)

all mixed together with english to form the local creole

Answer #5

Ya’ll (You All) You Mama and Dem Show Nuff (What I just said is true) Fixin to (about to do something) PO-Boy (Sandwhich) The Boat (casino) Chugged full (full or overflowing) Reckon (think or supposed to) Coon-As* (Good Ol’ Country Boy)

Answer #6

howzit dude. ja man. its zeff (saying something is stupid)

Answer #7

In there like a hair in a biscuit…[tenacious] Like a duck on a june bug…[relentless] Runnin’ your mouth…[indiscretion] Root… hog or die…[self-sufficiency] Can’t tell his as$ from a hole in the ground…[inept] Sh!t or get off of the commode…[rambling/bumbling] Catch hell…[severe trouble] Right smart…[much] Pay no mind…[disregard] Cut off…[switch off] Nary…[none] Might could…[maybe] Ought to could…[should] Holp…[helped] If it harelips all of them…[resolved to] On the north end of a south bound mule…[wrong place wrong time] Pole cat…[skunk]… which leads to… Hungry enough to eat the tail end of a menstruating pole cat…[self explanatory] Who’s fu@king this cat?… sometimes… Who’s skinning this cat?…[mind your own business]

… the coup de grace…

The best part of you ran down the crack of your mama’s as$…[well… you’re just no good at all]

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