Is it bad to live with your boyfriend after high school?

My boyfriend wants to live together after I get out of high school. Give me some advice.

Answer #1

It’s not bad just make sure you are ready to take that step. You wont have “your space” and “his space” anymore it’ll be the both of your space which is a big change and tough to deal with. Also bills get extremely stressfull and you end up spending ALL your money on bills, food, and necessities so that doesn’t leave much for having fun with. It’s a make or break situation, either living together will be absolute hell or it will work out great.

Answer #2

no it s nt bad at all,so as far u guys cn tk care of urselves.

Answer #3

This is not a step I would hurry into, if I were you. There are many major considerations. Playing house can sound exciting but it’s expensive, full of responsibility, and on top of all that you’re suddenly living with another person.

The cost: you have to pay for rent, electricity, heat, phone, TV, food, every month. Before you move in, you have to buy or borrow furniture, towels, sheets, cups, plates, cutlery, just look around your parents’ house right now at all the things you will have to buy. How affordable is it? Can you shell out a few thousand for all those items, then stay on top of your monthly expenses if you’re both working, which could easily be $1000 a month. . The responsibility: sticking to a budget, deciding what to eat every night, where to do your laundry, whose turn is it to do the dishes, cleaning the house or apartment. Job stability - will you both have that? Or does one or both of you need to go to college? . The emotional upheaval: He might be the one you’ll be with forever, but he might not. You change a lot during these years between 18 and 25, and its not uncommon to go in different directions. How easy will it be to undo all this if it doesn’t work, will you get a place of your own or go back to your parents? . I know this all sounds very negative, and sure, in some cases it does work. But my vote would be for anyone coming out of high school to become independent themselves, e.g. university, job, own place, and then share with someone else. Besides, by that time, it could be marriage and wedding presents and you won’t have to buy all your own stuff ;)

Answer #4

i moved in with my boyfriend when i got out of highschool..about 5 months after i graduated i believe..well now he’s my husband..some rocky moments..just make sure you know what ur doing is all..and if u are ready and can handle it..

Answer #5

Thanks , ur answer helped me a hell lot :D

Answer #6

i believe its not a good idea to live with him. living with your boyfriend doesn’t give you room to miss him. from my experience with seeing other young couples living together, i see that they fight more. living with someone means money management and shared decision making. which causes problems a lot.

Answer #7

I wouldn’t jump to it. Moving in together is a big step. Be ready for it

Answer #8

ill give you the same advice my mother gave my sister when she wanted her boyfriend to live with her. he’s just moving out of his parents house and your are to. maybe you should see if he could live on his own. ask your self, i know he loves me but is he just moving in so i can be his second mother to cook and clean for him ? most improtantly when you make your choice im sure it’ll be a great reason behind it.

Answer #9

ive been wondering the same thing because i was planing on doing that but i also want to wait until im married to have sex and my mom said that if i want to do one of them then i cant do the other. i dont believe that though

Answer #10

i asked the same question and i got really interesting answers. i did come to learn that you may get on eachothers nerves and you might need your own space.i myself dont want to think about leaving him behind and going to college by myself because it is our dream to be together all the time and wake up next to eachother but i never thought aboutt he bills and lack of personal space….its sad but im actually thinking it over.

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