little miss.annoying

my nine year old sisster is SOOO annoying!!! And she took my money and spended it so I couldn’t get it back . And she blames everything on me !! What shouls I do???

Answer #1

You should spend less time worrying about your little sister and more time practising your use of the English language. In ten years time you’ll be in a successful job earning lots of money and she’ll be working in McDonalds.

Answer #2

@ practising(not a^^^…But yeh she shouldnt have spended!! your money!! Lol..Maybe you wouldnt have been so upset if she’d spent it!

Answer #3

well I have a 10 year old lil brother and I will be 18 in july lol its a lil sibling for you lol just bare it and grin I would put my money up nest time and would jsut ignore her

Answer #4

Your little sister is acting like this so that you will pay attention to her. Offer to go to a movie or something with her. Tell her that you will hang out with her but she will have to change the way she has been acting. She just wants her big sis to hang out with her because secretly she wants to be more like you.

As for the money situation, tell your parents and have them deal with that situation and explain to her the repercussions of stealing. Sam

Answer #5

Isn’t that just cute?

Be her friend. That’s what she wants.

Answer #6

spend her money

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