Lip piercing issues!

I really want to pierce my lip but my mom says if I do she will give me two choices, one: take it out after I get it done… and two: I don’t take it out and she will rip it out with plyiers. I snakebites SO SO SO bad but my mom has pretty much fornidden me because she thinks they are ugly. what do I do?! she says I can get one when I’m 18… how do I convince her to let me get them??? HELPERS ME?!

Answer #1

perhaps wait until your 18? and when that time comes you’ll realize that if you had gotten those snakebites and took them out after oh, say a year or so, you’d have snakebite scars on your lip. then perhaps you would rejoice and realize that your mother was your savior?

Answer #2

okay, well the only reason your mom dosnt like them seems to be becasue there ugly. so youve got some chance! make sure this is something you really want first (not just because there “cool” or because everyone else has them) now, tell your mum that this is something you want, youd love to get them. that you dont think there ugly and would like to get them done the safe way (a profesional). try and make her understand that there not completely a bad thing. and if she comes with you to get it done it can be something you can both do together. (like an outing). or ask her that it could be a reward for doing something, like from the houswork to getting an A in your school subjects at the end of the year. also clue yourself up about the facts of lip peircings. and tell her that by ripping them out it would only disfigure your face, and could very well lead to a horrible bad infection!. but first of all do make sure you really want these

Answer #3

…get a fake one and wear it when your mom isn’t around.

As far as convincing your mom goes, you’re going to have to appeal to hypocricy on her part. Does she have any kind of body art (including pierced ears)? Does she smoke or use alcohol? Is she overweight? All of these are forms of body modification.

If not, then does she wear a bra? Does she cut her hair or shave her legs/pits? These are also forms of vain body modification.

Answer #4

ummm… she wants a tattoo and a navel piercing but she’s to scared to do it. & I told her it owuld rip my ace open if she tore it out and she told me I better not do it then… I but thanks!! you guys have been super helpful!!

Answer #5

Listen to your mom. If she says no, then you cant do much about it till your old enough to make your own decisions. Don’t do it behind her back, that looks bad on you. Plus I don’t see why you want a piercing so bad, they aren’t anything special. Getting a job would be hard when you have piercings like that in your face.

Answer #6

I wish I could get my lip pirced . PIERCINGS CAN BE ADDICTIVE

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