What is limbo?

What do you experience in this state? And if anybody has had any experiences in this place could you please tell me it could help me out a whole bunch. I might have experienced it but I am not for sure.

Answer #1

Kind of like an ‘in between’ place, often used as a word to describe the place between not quite heaven and not quite hell. When there are human remains waiting to be identified, they call the storage place ‘Limbo’… I guess it’s just a different way of saying ‘the room of Jane/John Does’. Limbo is also a party game in which a broom stick or a tree branch is held by one person on each end, while another person attempts to bend backwards and walk underneath the stick, without touching it or falling over. The stick is then lowered each time, making it increasingly harder to walk under it.

Answer #2

I meant the religious meaning of it. I looked it up and the Roman Catholic church believes in Limbo. And in Dante’s Inferno it says that Limbo is the first level of Hell.

Answer #3

Limbo as an actual state, refers to the Catholic Church’s belief in a place where you go after death, if not ruled as enough of a sinner for ‘hell’, or if you die before baptism whilst you still have original sin. This is where you are suspended in a state of nothing and your sins will gradually deplete, so you may make it to heaven. Limbo tends to be talked of as a place for babies, wheras Purgatory is for adults. It can generally be depicted as a sort of ‘waiting room’ where there is just nothingness.

Being ‘in limbo’ in the sense of the general term, refers to being in some sort of stage of waiting. People can be ‘in limbo’ awaiting exam results, for example, as they can’t change their result, but they can’t yet know what they got either, so they just have to wait knowing there is nothing they can now do.

Feeling ‘in limbo’ can be different for everyone.

Answer #4

Have you ever experienced this state?

Answer #5

No, only those who have died will have experienced the state as it is a place you go to after death. It may be possible that you feel you have experienced it if you have died and been resusciated, but it would have only been brief. Otherwise maybe you were just in a calm, trance like state, which everyone can get in, and your experience was something like you would imagine limbo to be. No one can know how limbo feels unless they are dead, and even then the experience could differ for each person.

Maybe talk to someone at your local Catholic Church about it if you want to discuss the topic more, as they will be able to give you more in depth answers.

Answer #6

I didn’t know that. Thank’s for the lesson….

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