Lilly Allen or Greenday?

Im torn over which to see. Greendays good but Lilly Allen is hot. What should I do?

Answer #1

green day, without a doubt.

Answer #2

GREEENNN DAAAYYY!!! besides, there might not be too many chances to see them live since it took them four years to put out a new cd! lol! and there are plenty of hot girls at a green day concert. besides, the girls at a lilly allen concert are probably really young and…odd O.o lol! green day!!! :)

Answer #3

If you’re gonna be front row, go for Lily Allen. If you’re even a few rows back you won’t be able to see her very well and you’ll be stuck just having to listen to her crap music. lol But, the bonus here is that she probably has way more female fans than male, so you have the possibility of meeting a sexy Lily-look-alike fan.

Go for Green Day if you want a good all around concert experience with great music. Maybe go with a few of the guys and get drunk and rock out with girls being the last thing on your mind.

Both fun in their own way. :)

Answer #4


Answer #5

greenday dude

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