Liking my Bestfriend.

Theres this girl I really like and shes my bestfriend. She said she liked me last year but im not sure if she still likes me. I want to tell her but then again I dont because I dont want to screw up being bestfriends. How can I tell if she likes me.

Answer #1

This happened to me a while ago.. Around may of lastyear, and it was my classtrip. My bestguyfriend liked me but at the time I had no idea. He never seemed like he did so it was a bit suprising. Then when we got back from niagra falls he was laying on me and begging me to “go out” with him, and I didn’t have those feelings. I had no reason not to but I kept saying that I had reasons. About a week later I gave up, and said yes. Now we’ve been together 11 months almost, But when we break up it probably won’t be the same. Even though we promised we’d stay bestfriends. I don’t think that you’ll find this helpful but it worked out. So try telling her

Answer #2

well I liked my best friend , I was also in love with him. we did one date and it didnt work out. best friends is us , no more. you and your bestfriend could form into a dating a relationship , give it a go , at least onec you have given it a go and f it goes either way you know what has happened so you never need to ask your self “what would have it been liking going out with my bestfriend?”

Answer #3

I’m in the same situation, I found out my best friend (whom is a girl) liked me last week. Start hangin out with her more, get her friends to ask her if she does still like you. Act more flirtatious, like you seem interested in her and she will more than likely act the same back towards you.

But if she said that about a year ago then you might be outta luck.

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