Life Extension

Are there people who are already born who may live to be 1,000?

Answer #1

Nope lol I don’t know what else to say to that, just nope. Impossible. We’re all lucky to make 100 and still be alive.

Answer #2

yes, there are people being born today who are unfortunately going to live to 1000 days, or about 3 years. many of these children are born with aweful hereditary disorders that cause them to die instead of living a nice childhood. So, yes, today there are infants being born who are doomed to live 1000 days. And it is very sad.

If your question is about living 1000 years, well that’s silly and ridiculous.

Answer #3

I dobut it buy I heard that the first person to live to 200 is probally alive by now

Answer #4

It’s possible - it’s extremely hard to predict what scientific advancements will come about in the next 60 to 80 years or so - but I’m guessing the answer is probably no.

Of course, unless I turn out to be one of them, I’ll never live to find out who was right. ;)

Answer #5

from what I know about the scientific advancements we have already made people will soon start living for a very, very long time but im not sure as to whether or not anyone whos already born will live that long. it all depends on whether or not we make the right discoveries and such… but really I dont think humanity will last near that long, we’re kinda screwed so its not that big a deal if we live that long.

And btw mmeyers if you actually new something about recent stem cell research you wouldnt say that

Answer #6

more thank likey no but they did bring a rat back to life with stem cells but stem cells is a touchy subject so thats more than likely not going to work out.

Answer #7

umm no? I doubt it

Answer #8

I doubt it.

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