life and death

ok so I have thought about suicide before and when I did it made me feel happy. I was so sad when the though was there today and all throughout the week, what can I do to change that around and make the thought of suicide be something bad and not fun for me to think about? I need to know

Answer #1

Make a list of the things and people that make you happy. If your negative thoughts are caused by things that you don’t seem to be able to control, then talk with someone and get their point of view.

Fun Mail a “sounding board”!

I would assume that you can’t talk about what you are going through with anyone because it is too personal and you don’t want others to know about it in relation to you.

The solution, then, might be to pick someone on Fun Advice whose advice you like and Fun Mail them. (You can check out the quality of someone’s advice by clicking on their name; going down to their recent advice, click on view all, then click on the questions that might interest you and view their answers.) Explain to them that you are having problems and want to have someone to use as a “sounding board” and would like to know if they would be willing to be your sounding board. Fun Mail is basically private, so you shouldn’t have any concerns about your privacy.

Although there are many users on Fun Advice who would be qualified, I’d suggest the person be an Advisor, for two reasons: First, most Advisors have several hundred or even thousands of Answers under their belt which can really give you a perspective about them; and second, you can simply click on the Advisors link at the top of the page and view a list of the most recently active Advisors with information about them AND a total of their Answers. (Don’t contact them by that “Ask me a question” link. That’s public. Instead, click on their name which will take you to their Profile page, then click on the “Send me Fun Mail” link on the left side of the page.)

You also have the ability to Fun Mail anyone (Advisor or otherwise) by clicking on the “Send me Fun Mail” link near the top of the Answer under the person’s name.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #2

if you commit suicide you will end up burning in hell for all eternal is that what you really want? if you need help go to a church or a therapist and mayb have a makeover make urself feel great and not suicidle at a.

Answer #3

So why do you want to commit suicide again???

Answer #4

Concentrate on the things that make you look forward to life rather than the things that make you angry or depressed. It really is all about your attitude.

If you need help figuring out how to do that, take brimnat’s advice.

Answer #5

I think you should go see a therapist they can help you. These really aren’t the kinds of questions you should ask people on the internet.

Answer #6

think about the people who care about you and how sad they would feel if you died and espeacally if you comited suicide

Answer #7

it says a lot of you that you recognize these are not normal thoughts to be having, and even moreso that you’re trying to reach out to someone for help. this is good.

I don’t want this to sound callous or mean or anything because I’m just trying to get to the root of the problem, but I have always thought that suicide seems like a selfish thing to do.

hear me out.

you have problems. you do. no one else does. no one understands. no one cares. you you you…

everyone has problems…we have to learn how to deal with them. and it’s not easy, it really is hard. but it would be selfish to take our life away from those who love us. think of your family and your friends…even though they can be total jerks at times…they do love us.

I don’t know if you’re at all religious, but remember, one of the best people to turn to when you’re feeling incomplete, insignificant, unloved, or depressed is the savior. he atoned for your sins. he knows your pains. he took them all on and experienced every pain there is to feel in the garden of gethsemene. he shed drops of blood over your pain. you can always turn to him for help. he’s been there. the atonment is not just for sinners–it is for the perfection and edification of man. every flaw…insecurities, depression, sickness, and sin …everything…is made whole through the atonement of jesus christ. he has taken on your burden…talk to him about it.

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