Letters from Aristotle or the Bible

Which came first, the letters we have from Aristotle or any of the books in the Bible?

Answer #1

When someone uses the term bible, I think both old and new testaments. Yes the torah predates aristotle, at least the stories, if not the written word.

Answer #2

Parts of the Bible have been dated objectively to around the 7th century BCE, whereas, Aristotle lived in the 4th century BCE. The New Testament was all penned after Aristotle.

Answer #3

Old Testament Bible stories are ancient and predated Aristotle They were part of the Hebrew oral tradition long before they were written down. The books of the New Testament were centuries after Aristotle died.

Answer #4

No one is absolutely certain when the first books of the Bible were put into writing. As filletofspam said, the oral traditions go back thousands of years, possibly to around 2100 BC. Writing on the Torah might have started as early as 950 BC, but more likely was written and compiled during the 7th Century BC. Most of the Tanakh (Christian Old Testament) was probably written after the Babylonian captivity, during the 6th Century BC.

The collection of books we know today as the Christian Bible, of course, was compiled several centuries after Aristotle’s lifetime.

Answer #5

Obviously the letter by Aristotle, since he lived hundreds of years before the bible was compiled.

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