How do you pronounce Enjolras from Les Miserables?

okay, there’s gotta be people here who like the musical Les Miserables. and i have just a really random question. How do you pronounce Enjolras? i’ve been in love with the show snce forever, but ive never figured out how to say it. lol

Answer #1

I don’t know much French, but I’d go with


(the en will be nasal, in the nose, the j will be as in “measure”, the l will be almost silent and the s will be silent)

I’m open to correction.

Answer #2

Les Miserables = Lay Mizzerob

I know how its spoken but thats only way i figured to spell it the way it sounds.

Answer #3


Enjolras = Ahn jol rahs

(Accent on the first syllable).

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