Do left handed people have nicer hand writing?

Answer #1

No, some left handed people have nice hand writing and some have sloppy just like some right handed people have nice hand writing and some have sloppy. It just depends on the person and their style of writing.

Answer #2

couldn’t have said it better myself:) lol

Answer #3

nooooo,my friend jake is left handed and he has horrible hand writing…

Answer #4

No not always.

Answer #5

many left handed people have a messy handwriting. it’s because most people are right-handed and so when they try to learn how to write as a kid, they copy handwriting styles that are alright for right people but become awkward for right people when they try it on. it’s like trying convert a picture from right to left. somehow the altered image looks awkward.

the ones that do have nice hand writing are probably the artistic ones who like to have nice handwriting.

so either way, left-handed people can have nicer or sloppier handwriting.

i’m a lefty and i noticed that my handwriting looks quite messy when i write in a hurry but elegant when i have the time to make it beautiful.

Answer #6

I wish I did, but the thing is having a left hand means your hand rubs over the words you write. In essence, books aren’t designed for left handed people to write in. Even if you did have nice hand writing as a left handed person, chances are, you’ll smudge what you write because of your hand rubbing against the page.

It sucks :(

Answer #7

It’s said that left handed people are the ones who are more creative and excel in the subjects related to the arts - making their hand writting nicer. However, it’s not always the case and it depends on what you mean by “nice”. In my opinion I think it sucks to be left handed because you tend to smudge your writting :P My bf is a leftie, I love his writing but it’s usually smeared, unless he uses a good pen :P

Answer #8

its tit for tat. i know because i am left handed..some ppl say i have pretty handwriting others say they cant read it. so i guess it depends on what u think

Answer #9

the learn to push instead of pull. Usually their right is better learned. Its independable

Answer #10

every left handed person i know has crap writing, even teachers in my high school, its slouched to the left

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