last prophet

is that true Muhammad is the last prophet?

Answer #1

The Torah might be… But the Qur’an isn’t! It’s the Muslim holy book…not a Muslim Bible haha

Answer #2

My current favorites are ‘Multiverse Theory’ …and the derivative ‘Multiverse Tree’

…though… the BEST option is to just to admit that NOBODY KNOWS, and the concept is literally and intellectually beyond us.

Answer #3

so if not “random” the universe created itself on “purpose”?

I’m not so sure the word ‘created’ is necessary, either. I don’t think ‘created at random’ and ‘created on purpose’ are the ONLY two possibilities.

thats not something you hear often

…so you don’t know many skeptics, hmmm? Know any agnostics?

Answer #4


Close enough… the Torah is sometimes referred to as the ‘Hebrew Bible’ …so if she thinks calling the Qur’an the ‘Muslim Bible’ makes sense… fine…

Answer #5

Yes mohammed is the last prophet . prove it.. okay If you bielive in the qu:ran thats the bible version for muslims and you read it then you will know and jesus was born 2009 ago I think thats why its 2009 now andd for the muslim year its 1428. a lot of people disagree that hes last but again thats what we bielive in its like asking how do you no jesus was born 2009 years ago prov it

Answer #6

Yeah, I believe Muhammed (PBUH) was the last Prophet…others would disagree

Answer #7

He’s just mad that he’s unable to bring any proof regarding the “rightness” of his religion, so he is trying the “prove it” tactic(not the right word in this case, eh?)… and, well, you see the result yourself ;)

Answer #8

No one can prove, and no one can disprove. You can only believe.

(The Bahá’í Faith believes that Muhammad was followed by Bahá’u’lláh, so they would say Muhammad was not the last.)

Answer #9

Yes he is the last prophet and there is no doubt about that.

…prove it…

is that true Muhammad is the last prophet?

You’re asking a questions that can not be correctly answered. The only answers you’ll receive are opinions and speculation.

Answer #10

lol. Muhammad exist and all that he did was stated in the history. but then I don believe don believe that he’s the last prophet.

Answer #11

oooh I see cool

Answer #12

btw the Qur’an is not a bible for Muslims

Answer #13

Right… like I said… there’s no correct answer…

Answer #14

Yes he is the last prophet and there is no doubt about that.

Answer #15

the quran has no flaw to it.

Maybe you can explain how a ‘flawless book’ was misinterpreted to the point of blowing yourself up in the name of Allah?

as for proofs do some research scientist are proving all the scientific fact that has been in the quran for 1400 years.

Calling it ‘proof’ automatically makes your statement WRONG. But feel free to go ahead and list ‘ALL’ these ‘scientific facts’ that are in the Quran.

which is why most scientist are turning to islam.

Now you’re just ASSUMING, that in itself is INCORRECT.

statistically speaking muslims are gonna be the majority in the world by 2015. not a personal statistic but its fact thats proven.

Is English your second language? How can you PROVE a statistical anomaly that hasn’t occured yet? You can’t. Its a prediction, and nothing more.

just giving the right information to answer the question. hope you find your answer. I most likely gonna have someone agrue with what I said but I am not gonna argue with anyone. arguing will never solve anything

So… you can only state your beliefs but cannot defend them? that means your post has been officially demoted to SPAM.

Answer #16

…simply put, its the next step in size. Planets within solar systems, within galaxies, within universes, withing the MULTIverse.

Answer #17

Lol I find it quite funny tbh… what’s the multiverse theory btw? never heard that before…

Answer #18

It’s the Muslim holy book…not a Muslim Bible haha

The word ‘bible’ MEANS book…

So synonymously, you can call the Qu’ran… the ‘’Muslim Holy Bible’’

Granted, it wouldn’t catch on, and it would probably piss some people off… but it DOES mean the same thing.

Answer #19

Captainassassin prove that there’s no answer!

Why should I?

I didn’t say there is no answer, I said there’s no CORRECT answer.

Answer #20

Captainassassin prove that there’s no answer!

Answer #21

prove it.. okay If you bielive in the qu:ran thats the bible version for muslims and you read it then you will know

…prove… believe… know… You aren’t staying consistent. You cannot claim that you have PROOF, but then state a BELIEF in a particular religion is necessary.

Believing in something doesn’t prove that its right. And a holy book doesn’t validate ITSELF. You don’t seem to understand what ‘proof’ means, when dealing with religion. It is not proof that you’ve provided, it is merely evidence that supports your BELIEFS.

was it before or after the universe randomly created itself, that the universe decided to acquired for itself natural physical laws

I don’t think that it randomly created itself…

Actually, I don’t really consider the scientific OR the religious explanations for the beginning of the universe, to be all that believable.

Besides, there are other, more interesting theories… not any more or less provable… but interesting.

Answer #22

well im not here to argue my believes are my believe. I am not gonna try to force them on people. but speaking statistically if islam the sec most popular religion, and the fastest growing in the world says prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the last messenger than most likely it is. the quran has no flaw to it. its never been changed. prophet muhammad peace be upon him did exist. there are documentary of his life and the way he lived his life is recorded and everything they say about him in the islamic books is the same as the other. jesus peace be upon him, himself said that the prophet muhammad will come after him and he is the last messenger from god. it does say that in the bible because it has been changed to much by to many people. so has the tora. in islam it talks about all prophets sent by god and the religion they brought and what happened to those religions. in the tora it says that the messiah (jesus) is their prophet but when jesus (pbuh) told them that he was the messiah they rejected him and tried to crucify him. I said tried because we believe that jesus didnt die. we believe that he is gonna come back and fight dajjal ( antichrist) . he never got crucified god took him up and put someone Else’s body on there. lets face the truth jesus isnt god or the son of god, because clearly in the bible it never siad that jesus said he is the son of god. it also says god has no father, mother, sister, wife. he has created all human beings and everything in the universe. did god ask jesus or the holy spirit if it was ok to create earth or humans or diff planets. no he didnt because he is god. he is one not 3 in one. there is no partnership with god. its a sin in all three religions to think that. as for proofs do some research scientist are proving all the scientific fact that has been in the quran for 1400 years. which is why most scientist are turning to islam. statistically speaking muslims are gonna be the majority in the world by 2015. not a personal statistic but its fact thats proven. im sorry if I offended anyone. didnt mean to. just giving the right information to answer the question. hope you find your answer. I most likely gonna have someone agrue with what I said but I am not gonna argue with anyone. arguing will never solve anything

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