Lambert or allen???

Personally, I’m in love with this sexy boy named adam freaking lambert!! Who do you want to win this season of american idol… Adam lambert of kris allen?? =]

Answer #1

kris ♥

Answer #2

Adam. He is hot =D

Answer #3

Who do I want to win?

Me! :) Just kidding.

I don’t watch American Idol.

Answer #4


Answer #5

As a Mother of a 16 yr old who is very much into Adam, (I have to admit, he is an AWESOME singer) I hope Adam wins! My daughters heart is on the line…lol Also, I think Adam personally has more of a range to do different style songs…

Answer #6

well both is completely great man im so mad because it hard too choose…ADAM is so darn great and his singing is awesome but theres something about kris allens’ singing that has me on this crazy mouse trap…SO I’d definitely pick KRIS ALLEN…adams great but kris is greater.

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