
What does it mean when four days after your period your breast are sore

Answer #1

ok, one; your period could be delayed becuase, ironically, you are worried about it not starting. and part of menstrating is tender breasts…

however (dont’ mean to freak you out!) but I only ever have painful breasts and late period when I was pregnant…

although, if you are not sexually active, then uless gabrielle has come down himself to give you a message, I shouldn’t worry. if however, you are sexually active (god I just think of juno now, and her saying that ‘sexually active’ was like a ticking time bomb!) but I would do a pregnancy test to be sure. if it comes up negative then you will probably come on your period that night through chilling out!!

you know if it’s normal for your body or not, but periods do change. I would eliminate the obvious possibilites first though if your sexually active, then RELAX…ok? stress / diet / exercise and lots of other factors effects reliabiltiy of periods…ok?


Answer #2

Its normal for your breasts to become tender around your period,which int urn,may cause pain or soreness. If it doesnt improve within a week after the last day of your period,Id consult a doctor. But it sounds like normal period pains to me :]

Answer #3

I dno you shud go doctors if you r concerned

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