ladies please

ok well I have a problem with a lot of girls wanting to get with me even though I am quite happily taken. I do take it as a compliment but but my girl is still very protective of me. I know its not because she thinks ill cheat on her. so why does she freak out? I mean I understand that for me most part. what I think im trying to ask is how can I get it to were it doesnt ruin her good mood to hear a girl likes me? also I was wondering if I should stop trying to look so hot (not trying to brag and im not stuck up I just try to be good looking) and not care so that other girls will lay off me or shud I keep trying to look better and make my girl happy? I know she wont dump me if I dont look good but everyone likes having a good looking girlfriend/boyfriend and I want her to be happy.

Answer #1

If your girl freaks out when she hears that another girl likes you, then what you need to do is reassure her that she’s the one you want and that she has nothing to worry about because she already has you.

Answer #2

I can tell you your looks aren’t the problem. Make her happy by giving her something she likes. She might just be jelous because there are other girls that look at you or talk about you.

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