l0ving the life I live(n0t)

I feel depressed, I kn0w what I need but its like a dream thats taking 0ver my life making me depressed. and its like a dream I h0pe will c0me true but kn0 it w0nt. S0 will I always be depressed? and H0w d0 I get 0ver being depressed(0ther than pills)

Answer #1

Sometimes we need to hang onto that out of reach dream. I personally live in this world and I have my own alternate universe. I put the fantasies that take over my life in there so I can access them when I want (like before I go to sleep I visit my alternate universe, or when I am alone, or out running). Split your time between the dream and your life right now. To get out of your rut: Do something really fun and exciting and surround yourself with people that make you laugh. Buy a joke book complete with every type of joke you can imagine and read a few jokes everyday (or every hour…whatever suits you). Exercise a lot because it will provide you with endorphins and you can visit your fantasy land while you are exercising and listening to your ipod. Write down all your dreams, fantasies, fears and thoughts. It can help set them aside and get them out of your immediate life while you can tend to yourself and what is going on in this universe. Remember that you are a person. In my opinion, all people are worthy of respect, happiness and love. Try to get as much of that as you can. Sometimes life does suck and you do get depressed. But life is all we have. Depending on what your dream is, you can start making that dream come true (depending on the dream…I’ve had millions of crazy, outlandish fantasies that could never become reality in this universe so I just worked on them in my own alternate unvierse). Much love and best wishes! Peace :) :) :) :)

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