Kittens :)

Ok well I plan on getting a kitten soon and the girl that are giving them away is trynna give me the kitten now but it is only a month and I keep telling her that I beilive they are to young to give away yet..I just wanted to know at what age should she give me the kitten..[its about a month now] thanks 2 all that answer :)

Answer #1

uhm no, any age is not ok. Kittens learn important lessons from their mothers while they are young. They also feel extremely anxious without their mothers if you take them away too soon. Vets recommend about 12 weeks. I know it seems like a long time to wait, but you really are doing what is best for the kitten. As for attachment, I got my cat at 6 months, the cat is plenty attached (to the annoyance of my other family members). As long as you are the one taking care of it, the cat will attach. Have some patience. The cat will be yours forever in a few weeks

kittens adopted eariler than 12 weeks CAN have these problems (note that this does not always happen, but then again I wouldnt risk it)

Litter Box Problems

Litter box training usually occurs between 6 and 12 weeks, and this is also a gradual process. A kitten taken too early will either not be litter trained or may have inconsistent litter box habits. This, combined with the stress of losing its family too early, can cause a kitten to develop lifelong bad habits, such as avoiding the litter box completely or using it inconsistently.

Neurotic Behaviour

While many people seek younger kittens because they mistakenly believe that an older kitten won’t bond with them properly, the reality is that older kittens have no problems bonding with new humans. A younger kitten may bond with a person as well, but it is often a neurotic bond in which the kitten is terrified of being left alone and needs to have its surrogate mother in sight at all times. Kittens adopted too young are more likely to suck on fabric, people’s earlobes, or their own fur, and they tend to run and hide when they see unknown people.

Poor Socialization

Kittens are socialized between 4 and 14 weeks of age, and it is during this critical period that they learn which behaviours are appropriate. Kittens taken too early are more likely to be hostile and aggressive toward people and other pets. They often get along poorly with other cats because they have never learned to interpret feline body language, having missed out on the longer socialization process that they should have had with their families. Overall, they are more insecure and less tolerant.

Poor Immunity

A kitten’s immune system develops between 8 and 12 weeks, and a kitten less than 12 weeks old has not received its full set of required vaccinations. A mother cat’s milk provides antibodies that protect the health of her kittens. If they are prevented from nursing before their own immune systems have become strong, kittens are more likely to succumb to a wide variety of illnesses, particularly respiratory conditions.

Rushed Weaning

Kittens shouldn’t be weaned suddenly. Rather, weaning should be a gradual process in which they alternate between nursing and eating cat food, slowly increasing the amount of cat food consumed and decreasing nursing time until nursing ceases altogether. At 6-8 weeks of age, kittens are not ready to stop nursing. Usually, a mother cat will begin denying opportunities to nurse between 8 and 12 weeks of age, and thus the kitten learns to deal with frustration in a natural way. Kittens that are taken from their mothers too soon miss out on this natural process, and are more inclined to develop behavioural problems as a result of low frustration tolerance later on.

Kittens taken before 12 weeks of age are also more inclined to suffer from diarrhea as a result of sudden weaning and a too-rapid shift to solid food. This condition can be life threatening, as kittens will quickly become dehydrated and lose weight rapidly. Even if they don’t develop severe diarrhea, kittens taken too early often become malnourished and fail to put on weight.

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Answer #2

I agree with ty.. they can be taken from their mother any time between 4-6 weeks .. although it is best to wait .. taking it to soon can lead to possible diatary problems .. and everything ty has already listed! .. I got my cat franklin when he was 10 weeks old and he is perfect./.. my best friend got a kitten that was just about 4 weeks and it is so small and scared .. she doesnt eat well and she just hides .. plus you want that kitten to be strong and healthy… and having them at 4 weeks .. I would be afraid to step on the little thing

Answer #3

any age is fine. in fact, younger is probably better, so you can teach them the rules in your house young. also, it’ll be more attached to you if it doesn’t remember an owner before you. just take the little beautiful puss!!

Answer #4

It’s fine to give away a cat at that age, I have one and I adopted it when it was only 4 weeks old from a major pet adoption area with professionals, so there is no reason not to adopt it because it is too young.

Answer #5

As soon as they can eat hard food they can be taken away, but I would not advise it… They should stay with mom till at least 6 weeks, 8 weeks is ideal. They need to learn from their mother. I am involved in animal rescue and had raise a lot of abandoned kittens. They do much better if they stay with their mom longer.

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