what are some kinky ways for a guy to masterbate?

Answer #1

The numby- sit on your hand until its asleep then use it to msterbate. The shower curtain - throw some conditioner on it and wrap it around your penis and hmp away. A warm banana peel - dont peel it all the way just slide the banana out and slide your pnis in. Putting something that vibrates on your blls while you msterbate will give an intense orgsm also. Or try the warming or cooling lbes.

Answer #2

That would work but my pacage is to big for a banns peel

Answer #3

Jus get lubee and a condom and master shit feels Gud or jus ask your girl

Answer #4

ice !!!!!!! that is fun and get on msn

Answer #5

Never tried that lol

Answer #6

Never tried that lol

Answer #7

Never tried that lol

Answer #8


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