Kindness of a pitbull.?

Arnt pitbull’s on of the most loyal dogs that you’d come by? me and my mom are fighting, because when my big dog dies, I want a pit bull, she’s being stereotypical and saying all pit bulls are vicious creatures that should be destroyed. :| arnt that supposed to be loyal and kind, besides the ones that are FORCED into fighting. they were the top American dog, until they were portrayed as such. I want your information, that I can PROVE my mom wrong. :|

Answer #1

well think It deppends on how you treat the dog

Answer #2

My pit is brindle. She is an american pit bull terrier. They arent the short stalky pits, they are the taller, leaner(but still muscular) pits. I love my Autumn!! =]

Answer #3

I kinda disagree with the golden retriever or lab needing less work. They are very cute and adorable puppies and sure , very non-agressive , but they have tons of energy that they should consume , so they need a lot of exercise and discipline . The unseen part of them is if they don’t get enough exercise , boundaries , discipline , they could tear your house down and drive you crazy.

I strongly agree to wait until you are older , to get a pit/amstaff bully breed. I waited 6 years for my pup , and that was becuase I wasn’t old , responsable enough and becuase my parents are cat persons . So now I live alone , with my boyfriend and my amstaff and Everybody is happy. A dog requiers proper food , medication , vet visits , stuff to play with , stuff to take care of him ( chewy good for teeth bones, anti-parasitary treatment, cleaning stuff etc ), time to exercise , time to disciplin , time to play , time to socialize etc , and your parents know that you will leave most of these burdons with them. Dogs ( any dog ) need money and time spent , so … do you have those ?

Answer #4

well I have 2 pits a brown and blue nose they are nice untill you do sumthin depending how you raise him/her because I spolid ma brown pit to death and he gets jealous when I touch anotha dog an he actually attacked me but he know he did wron because he layed down and look at me so it depends pit are gud pets to have around there lovin and carin untill you or sum body else does da wron thin to him

Answer #5

No 13 year old, however well intentioned, is ready for the commitment of raising a “bully breed.” I’m a vet tech and a certified dog trainer, I have a pitbull I’ve raised from a pup. Let me tell you from both personal and professional experience that it requires a lot of work to raise a bully breed properly. I mean, a lot of work. When raised properly, Pitties are the most loyal and sweet dogs you could ask for, but they require tons of excercise and stern discipline from birth to their older years. They are great dogs for an experienced owner. I would highly encourage you to wait on a Pit, start off with a couple of dog breeds that require less work and experience (a lab, or a golden retriever maybe) so you can practice training and disciplining. Then when you’re older and have more experience, get a Pit. They are not a dog for an inexperienced or lazy owner!

Answer #6

Well…your mom’s assessment is certainly harsh, that’s for sure…

Yes…Pits are very loyal and sweet…but isn’t that the nature of all dogs?? Pits are also a “Dominant” breed, extremely active, and highly intellegent…the person who owns one must exercise it every day (not just a walk around the block, but active running, chasing balls…every single day). A Pit puppy also needs to be taken to obedience classes so it can be socialized with other dogs and strange people. They are not a dog who’s going to be a “couch potato”…it’s when they don’t get what they need, that they become a problem.

In other words…a Pitbull is a huge commitment…and at 13, I don’t think you’re probably ready to give up all that time and energy for a dog…get one when you’re out of the house and on your own.


Answer #7

princexx, you couldn’t be more wrong. There is no snapping in the brain at a certain age. Only disease ( that can appear to any breed of dog ) can make them attack for “no reason”.And even disease is a reason.

There is “NO REASON” . If a dog attacks, it’s because something you or anybody else did. If you raise your pitbull with love , exercise , discipline and care , you will be the happiest dog owner ever. I have a 1 year old amstaff that I deeply love and so far he has been nothing but kind with babies , kids , other dogs or other people , and he loves me like crazy. But I exercise him 4 hours a day and take him to the dog park where he plays with a lot of dogs and people . He never attacked or even growled at anyone. On the other hand , you should be at least 18 and very responsable if you get this type of dog , because if something goes wrong and he/she will attack , they can do a little more damage than your average golden retriever. Also , you should be able to control him on a leash , and you have to have the strenght to hold the leash if he sees anything he wants to go after. Males are usually agressive towards other males ( all the dog breeds are the same ), and females toward females. But all in all , you will never find a more loyal and kind creature as this type of dogs , that were created just to please their owners, just be sure you raise it properly. And for more info , I suggest to take a peak at Cesar MIlan’s “ Dog Whisperer” series and at his web site. He has a pack of 15 rescued pitbulls that all get along really well. I think that a pit has a bit more native agression than an amstaff, if provoked. But if you absolutely love this kind of dog , you should look for a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. They are smaller ( like a mini pitbull ) and are known to be like nannies to kids, so maybe your mom will agree to that. You are 13 afterall and once the mom oes not want to hear about a pit , you won’t easily change her mind. Best of luck !

Answer #8

all parents are going to be like that towards pits, my mom always tells me about pit bulls that killed babies and puppies and the horrible stories that she made up after she heard about yet another pit bull attack on the news. my grandparents are the same way. you have a pit bull? a PIT BULL??? they think I’m crazy and tell me I can’t have a kid until all three of them die. the truth is, they ARE agressive, but only towards other dogs, especially males with other males. it’s most important to get them fixed BEFORE a male gets near a female in heat. as long as a pit bull is fixed, it will never attack a person, and it will be very rare for one to attack another dog. only maybe if it feels that you are in danger. pit bulls are a very strong breed, that only want to please their owners, which is why they are used to fight. if your mom has something against pit bulls, nothing you say will change her mind. people that do not like pit bulls are simply ignorant and believe everything that the media feeds them. it’d probably best just to wait until you live on your own to get a pit bull, and make sure that you know how much care they take before you get one, because they are very hyperactive dogs that require a lot of walking and a LOT of love.

Answer #9

princexx, you couldn’t be more wrong. There is no snapping in the brain at a certain age. Only disease ( that can appear to any breed of dog ) can make them attack for “no reason”.

There is “NO REASON” . If a dog attacks, it’s because something you or anybody else did. If you raise your pitbull with love , exercise , discipline and care , you will be the happiest dog owner ever. I have a 1 year old amstaff that I deeply love and so far he has been nothing but kind with babies , kids , other dogs or other people , and he loves me like crazy. But I exercise him 4 hours a day and take him to the dog park where he plays with a lot of dogs . He never attacked or even growled at anyone. On the other hand , you should be at least 18 and very responsable if you get this type of dog , because if something goes wrong and he/she will attack , they can do a little more damage than your average golden retriever. Also , you should be able to control him on a leash , and you have to have the strenght to hold the leash if he sees anything he wants to go after. Males are usually agressive towards other males ( all the dog breeds are the same ), and females toward females. But all in all , you will never find a more loyal and kind creature as this type of dogs , that were created just to please their owners, just be sure you raise it properly. And for more info , I suggers to take a peak at Cesar MIlan’s “ Dog Whisperer” series and at his web site. He has a pack of 15 rescued pitbulls that all get along really well.

Answer #10

I have a pit and she is the best dog in the entire world. She is friendly and loving and playful. She has a strong grip while playing and I wouldnt want to make her mad, but she has never bitten anyone. She is very protective and doesnt like dogs that are bigger than she is, but she is not aggressive. She just goes into “the stance”. Having a dog is a HUGE responsibility and you have to be sure you are ready for that type of dog, because they require A LOT of attention. Good luck in convincing your mom. I would suggest doing research on the breed and presenting it to her.

Answer #11

I don’t really believe that the breed of a dog determines how it comes out to be. If you treat the dog bad then he is going to be mean. Treat him like a loving animal and thats what he is going to be. She shouldn’t pay attention to how tv portrays how pits act. Its all for show or they make them that way.

Answer #12 if she wants further proof I have picture of my 5 year old son walking my 75lb AMSTAFF in Petco., with that last link have your mom browse the breeds she knows to be a family dog like a collie and cocker spaniel. pits ranked better then them. Hope this info helps

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