Should I buzz my hair short?

I wanted to know your opinion on cutting my hair really short like a 2, or to let it grow?

Answer #1

umm, no don’t get a buzz., trust me girls hate buzz cuts, they almost always look ugly, it would look good if you grew your hair out a little bit more.

Answer #2

IT seems really short right on in ur pic as it is… Hmm any shorter and you may be mistaking for a terminal kid… Um grow it out a little more.

Answer #3

hell yes you should. i am going to get my hair cut like zoro’s in the pic i attached to this comment. and his hair is light green, so i am going to die my hair green. i don’t care what anyone says you go ahead and cut your hair anyway you want girl. :) power of women! let us make our powerful stride! (P.S. zoro’s hair is also a buzz cut :)

Answer #4

What are you talking about boy crazee?!?!? I <3 buzz cuts!!!!!!

Answer #5

all my friends do the annual summer buz were they take it to like a 2 or 3….

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