Jordan... Should I Like Him?

okay, what should I do… were always just joking around like on my bed and I get on top of him and start playing with his gages (the small ones not the really ugly ones) and I will be like OOHHH YEAH we start laughing and then like I will just lay there on top of his shirtless body kinda cuddling with him haha which is SEXII! he has a 6 pac! =P and the other day we were in my tree house I have a bean bag up there I accidently put the back of my head on his dickk. well he had a boner I could feel it he actually lifted my head and put it on his chest and said no! don’t do that at this moment smiling at me he imidatley knew I knew he was horny. I looked at him and then my hair is always in my face he put it behind my ear and said what a beautiful face.. so I messed up his shag hehe then another moment we were kidding and he started licking me and was all tasty and I was laughing my assoff we were laying on the grass he got on top of me and was just being funny cause I was sleepy and fell asleep so he was all wake up or I will hump you! I ignored him and he really started humping me I was laughing so hard going mhmm oh yeah you want me! he smiled so big! the biggest ever and said Shaylee I’m in love with you and kissed me! he got up and ran away from me! and I don’t know what to do now were really good friends but he is extremly hott and nice always there for me always fun but pretty sexual sometimes haha if you actually knew him I guess I kinda love him if you knew me but I don’t wanna ruin are friendship what should I do?

Answer #1

Awww thats sooo cuutee!!!

-__- you really have to be careful though. You have to remember that a friendship after a relationship DOES NOT HAPPEN. I’m not saying this because it some sort of girl code… no. I’m saying it because when your friends with some one who you’ve dated, unless your truly over it, your gunna get hurt by a lot of things that he’s not doing any more. When you step over the line from friendship to relationship… think about if you think its worth POSSIBLY losing a really good friend over.

But if you truly like him… or want to return that love, then you should give it a shot. Just take your friendship into consideration. In the end, your in control of your situation.

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