Jonas lovers?

Do you like the jonas brothers?

Answer #1

I can’t help but dislike them a little bit because a very large majority of their fans are teenyboppers (I can’t stand teenyboppers), and they became famous through the Disney Channel (I can’t stand the Disney Channel). Their music is pretty good and they’re cute and all, but I’m not obsessive.

Answer #2

no I dont. Disney is a evil corporation thats slowly taking over the world thru the minds of 12 year old white kids!! Jonas Brothers are just helping them! Boycott Disney channel!!! or TERRIBLE things will happen! Heed my warning mortals!!

Answer #3

There only like the BOM!!! OMG!!! Haters fall back!! The Jonas Brothers are BOM!!! Now Disney Channel is a Lil annoying but the Jo-bros are just AWESOME!!! But that’s my opinion!

Answer #4


Answer #5

yeah. one of them is sooo HOT!!!

Answer #6

wow your weird and yes they definatly are cute what do you have against the disney chanal and I am not a teenybopper!

Answer #7

YYESSS!!! and I hate it when people say that they’re fans, and they don’t like kevin that much. that’s not a fan, thats a HATER!!! BACK OF HATERS!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)

Answer #8

I like joe the best too

Answer #9

ya I know I heard they are going to edmonton jan 5 2009

Answer #10


Answer #11

Yes they are all hott

                                    Joe:hott but not hotter than nick
                                    Nick:hott & hotter than joe & kevin
                                   Kevin:not hotter than joe 
                                   #1:Joe     #2:nick      #3:Frankie    #4:Kevin
Answer #12

No, I don’t really like them, but if they come on the radio I normally listen.

Answer #13

I love them they are absolutely m-azing!!! :) I dont see how people can dislike them not talking to you whoopsies222 I mean people call them gay fags and all >:(

Answer #14

Hmm, it sort of seems like you are. I just think that the Disney Channel has changed a lot since it was first introduced by the real Walt Disney. Now it’s just a corporation that wants to make money off of our kids. It’s run by smart people that figure out smart ways to get into kids heads so that they buy more albums, buy more movies, and watch more tv. It’s just contributing to a lot of problems kids have today such as sensitizing them to things and giving them a false image of the world.

Answer #15

joe jonas - hottest out of all of them major HOTTY!!! nick jonas-totally cute kevin jonas -hes okay

Answer #16

joe jonas - hottest out of all of them major HOTTY!!! nick jonas-totally cute kevin jonas hes okay

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