Jonas Brothers Speech

I have to make a 3-5 minute speech on the Jonas Brothers, and I don’t know sh*t about them. Can anyone give me some info?

Answer #1

kevin is engadged nick is dating miley cyrus joe recently broke up with his girlfriend camilla

Answer #2

unlike these HATERS think I can be some help. funmail me. ;D I like them and can most likely answer some questions. [;

Answer #3

‘’Disney’s Manipulation of American Teenage Musical Ignorance.’’

…there’s your title…

Answer #4

You HAVE to? I cannot fathom a situation in which someone would be forced against their will to talk for 5 minutes about the Jonas Brothers.

Answer #5

Yes, I HAVE to it’s for English class… it’s rediculous I was sick the day we got to trade our subjects… so now I’m stuck with the Jonas Brothers

Answer #6

LOL playa123 just think, once you have the Jonas Brothers speech done and dusted, see how many teeny boopers you can pull…instant chick magnet. ;)

Your question will be answered by heaps and heaps of Jonas Brothers fans shortly.

Answer #7


I’ll go with captain’s answer as a title. You could go and research the scientific workings of the teenage girl that is obsessed with the jonas brothers’ mind and make your speech about that.

Answer #8

Oh, the sick day, scourge of assignments and destroyer of dignity. Curse thee.

Does it have to be straight-up factual? I’m thinking you craft an elaborate backstory highlighting their origins presented as a legitimate paper. One of them emerged from the broken pieces of the meteorite that created Meteor Crater, Arizona, and has spent the intervening time recuperating in an abandoned silver mine. The second one emerged fully formed from a scallop shell in 230 BC and rode an otter to the Isle of Lesbos, where he was worshipped as a fertility deity until discovered by a vacationing Disney executive.

And the third…oh, the third. I don’t know if anyone is mentally hale enough to withstand the terrible truth of THAT hellspawn.

English teachers love stuff like that.

Answer #9

talk about how much they suck balls, how much their lyrics suck, and how much they sound like whiny prissy little girls, and how it is kinda gay that the oldest one is like 20 and is in a disney channel boy band. lol Good luck.

Answer #10

omg your stuck with the jonas brothers I really dont like them I personally think that thair music sucks umm what do I know about them??? there names are joe nick and kevin umm they have a little brother named frankie nick~s ex girlfriend is miley cyrus nick has dyabeaties or how the hell you spell that…lol kevin is engadeged to someone im not sure who you could google them… im sorrii I cant really help you out I dont know much about them since I don’t really like them

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