Are there jobs in Virginia for convicted felons?

Where can a convicted felon get a job in Virginia

Answer #1


To find companies hiring felons in your area, go to and find your local employment office.

They should be able to put you on the right track to finding a job. I’ve also heard that United Way and the Salvation Army will employ those with felony records.

Good luck!

Answer #2

Yes there are. many factories do hire felones.Trucking companies will pay for you to get a cdl. go learn a trade like welding, heavy equipment operator and such. Unfortunently there is a large number of plants here in richmond alone who do not hire felons. This is discrimination flat out. I encourage you to join a group and fight for your basic right to work and provide for your family and yourself. It is time we where heard AND we must do it as a group.

Answer #3

Yes, but just being honest about your past to an employer is not enough ,Get letters of recommendations from every line level job on your journey, Be persistant, get your rights restored if possible,,get all dismmissed charges expunged from your record,create a professional resume, don’t just give an application give them a PACKAGE showing who you are today as opposed to who you used to be AND MOST OF ALL HAVE FAITH and know that GOD has the final say!

Answer #4

I understand that is hard to find employment when you have a criminal charge, and it’s even harder when the economy is in a poor state. However, there are ways to get employed. I knew that I would have to volunteer some where first. When you do that, it shows the employer that you are dedicated, reliable, and willing to work for free just to prove that you are good person who just happens to have a criminal record. Volunteer for about a month to let them realize that they need you. I have a Drug Conviction and I currently work for a non-profit organization that assist ex-offender with getting their life back in order with housing, employment, education, medical, food and clothing referrals. I volunteered for approximately two months before I was put on the payroll. So yes, it is hard, but it is not impossible. Oh yeah! I am Virginia. (The City of Norfolk hires felons)

Answer #5

Yes the City of Norfolk will hire convicted felons.

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