Jobs for criminals

I have a criminal record and also am 51 yr old. I cannot find a job. What to do?

Answer #1

I’m a 60 year old who is happily married (27+ years now)and who has been unemployed and without income for over 14 years. Good luck to you my friend. A fondling incident when I was 19 left me with a felony record and an undesirable discharge. Worked hard to turn my life around and have been a model citizen for 40 years now (haven’t even had a traffic ticket in over 25). Everything went fine until I was about 46 and employment applications started to change. Can’t fill them out any more with any expectation of getting - any - kind of job. For me, fellow Christians have been the worst and have proven to be far more judgmental than non-religious people on a disappointingly regular basis. Everyone is Jane/John pureheart until they get caught at something it seems. God bless your efforts and/or good luck in your search. If your offense was non-sexual in nature you’ll probably have a far easier time gaining employment. I could try to paint a rosier picture for you but – it would be inaccurate, at best. We’ll be praying for you dcmstuff.

Answer #2

Depending on where you are and what your qualifications are. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with criminal records. The best thing to do is be honest with your prospective employer and if for some reason they can’t offer you a job they may have a suggestion. Also, speak with you pastor most of the time you have several small business owners in the congreation that will be more than happy to offer you a position.

Answer #3

You haven’t really left a enough info to leave a helpful answer.

Depending on your convictions there may be a lot of jobs you can’t apply for.

Just choose something you’d enjoy doing and apply. See how you go

Answer #4

You’ll probably have to go for a not-so-interesting job…

Why did you get a criminal record?

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