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Jobs ideas for a teen?
Does any one have any ideas for a 13 year old girl from the uk ( So there aint as much things as in America to do with work ) To get a job !! I ve tried to get a paper round and a little job in the corner shop but all the shops by me have either stoped doing paper rounds or already have people !!! Any ideas for me to make money ??
Music4Life x :)
I think so teens wont overwork themselves is maybe a job at a local fastfood resturaunt or maybe a job at a store, ofcourse less than 2 or 4 hours a day cause you got to go to school!! but its all up to u! I would babysit though! :)
I was going to say babysitting but maybe your too young to be taking care of babies hmm cleaning? cut grass?
dallas,tx im 15 and I need a job, ideas? - 1 Answers
I live in dallas,tx im 15 and I need a job!!! Any listing out there?? Please help!!!
Online jobs for teens - 2 Answers
are there online jobs for teens to earn money without paying or signing up for free trials?
I cant find a job anywhere, I'm 17, any ideas? - 1 Answers
I cant find a job anywhere! im 17 so not all that much applies to me. but I have applied at a lot of places, had a couple int...
Teen jobs in texas - 1 Answers
What places hire a 15 year old in texas?? I need one desperately!!! Help!
Job needed for the sixteen year old, ideas? - 3 Answers
I want a job. Im sixteen almost seventeen and I havent had a job since last summer. Any idea where I can get a job?
jobs for teens in california? - 3 Answers
Im 15 years old and I need a job, I live in california. Am I old enough? And what places higher people my age?
looking for a job at age 15 teen - 3 Answers
how can I get a job at age 15 teen
What are jobs for teens in the harleysville, pa area? - 1 Answers
What are some places that a 16 year old could work at in the harleysville, pa area?? Please, only people who live in or aroun...
Can I find a job for the summer for a 14 teen year old girl - 2 Answers
Can I find a job for the summer for a 14 teen year old girl like me I just got into hyigh school and I need to help my mother...
I need a job Im 13, any ideas? - 5 Answers
Im 13 and I am tierd of asking my parents for money when I go somewhere. I feel like I need my own job. any ideas?
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